🚨How AU works

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I would like it to be known that I do not own any marvel characters

ALSO please read this page or the next few chapters will be very VERY V E R Y confusing, thanks!

I know most of you understand but for those you who don't this a Fanfic. Fanfic as in Fanfiction. Fiction as in NOT REAL. I know it curves off how the mcu is canonically massively, but that is why it is fiction. You may cringe, so be warned. I just


When does this take place?

In this fic the timeline is so wonky it cant even be considered one so bare with me please. Everything that happens after endgame and infinity war do NOT happen. Endgame and Infinity war do NOT happen.

Civil War does happen but it happens differently:

Siberia doesn't happen

They end up talking it out

Amends are made to accords

***There will be a timeline posted for what was happening with Peter and stuff, but a timeline for ONLY Peter since this entire fic is centered around him***



Homecoming happens in middle school (i know they're young but idc sorry). Homecoming is how Tony discovers Spider-Man in the first place. The Ferry argument doesn't happen, you'll find out about the Ferry incident in the fic. Instead of Homecoming it could be like some kind of 8th grade dance or something like that since it's in middle school. Peter goes to the dance with Liz, which you'll find a bit more about in a different section. Homecoming happens BEFORE Civil War. That's why Spider-Man is recruited, through his work against the Vulture. Liz moves away and they go to DC for a field trip, there's no Decathlon, you'll find out why later.


What's Happening with Ben and May?

So basically Ben meets May in 2012 (Peter is 11), before that it's just a bunch of "sleepovers ;}" bringing people over to the house, no serious relationships. Peter escapes HYDRA after grabbing all files relating to him and his family that are on paper and on servers. He finds out who Ben is and goes there in hope of finding answers.

Ben uses Peter as help for his "background jobs". He's a cop who actually a criminal, but the police aren't aware.

Ben never tells Peter his ways of violence are wrong, doesn't really say much of it. But then Ben meets May. May is a beautiful, badass, Queen, we love her. Instead of May freaking out over Peter's behavior she helps him. She shows him how to get things without resorting to violence. May isn't a good person herself, but something in her really likes Peter. So she teaches him how to not get in trouble. How to use people. Not the nicest things but what's worked for her in the dark parts of New York.


Their Lifestyle

The Parkers have never been known to be rich, that's just how it is. Ben gets money from his cop work as well as his other jobs. May is a "special dancer". We don't complain though because it brings big money. They don't live in queens, they live in Brownville, Brooklyn (it fits with their jobs). You'll find out more of the living conditions in the fic.



Fury and Peter are pretty close; you'll find out how close in the fic. Fury knows some vague stuff about his past, not much about his powers, but knows a lot about his spidermaning activities. Fury gives Peter missions that the avengers don't know about.

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