🚨Character List for that au

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There are characters that aren't Marvel and also characters that are Marvel but just written different. 

Name: Richard Parker-Fitzpatrick

Relation to Peter: Father

Power(s): Dark magic, energy manipulation, fire manipulation, mind magic. destruction of matter and everything in between


Name: Mary Fitzpatrick-Parker

Relation to Peter: Mother

Power(s): Light magic, control of flora, fauna, and creation of matter and everything in between


Name: Benjamin Parker

Relation to Peter: Uncle (Father's side)

Power(s): energy manipulation and mind magic


Name: Peter Benjamin Fitzpatrick-Parker

Power(s): Dark magic, Light magic, energy manipulation, fire manipulation, mind magic, creation and destruction of matter and everything in between, control of flora, fauna, super senses, partial night vision, ability to stick to any surface, super strength, super healing, fangs with multiple types of venom, invisibility, natural webs, spider sense, super stamina, immortality.


Magic Creation

Name: Josh

This is a creation of magic that works for the Parker-Fitpatrick / Fitpatrick-Parker family

Power(s): immortality

A lanky, tall, fun uncle-type dude, Looks to be in late 20s early 30s kind of.


Magic Creation

Name: Philip

This is a creation of magic that works for the Parker-Fitpatrick / Fitpatrick-Parker family

Power(s): immortality

A buff old british butler dude (like alfred from batman)


Magic Creation

Name: Zeke

This is a creation of magic that works for the Parker-Fitpatrick / Fitpatrick-Parker family

Power(s): immortality

He's big, buff, and intimidating, like around 7"11 cause it's magic also this dude gotta look scary


Magic Creation

Name: Bob (short name for short dude)

This is a creation of magic that works for the Parker-Fitpatrick / Fitpatrick-Parker family

Power(s): immortality

This dude is really short, like barely 3"4 (101.6 cm)


Name: Lucas

Piper's friend


Name: Alaina (twin 2)

Piper's friend


Name: Alan (twin 1)

Piper's friend


Name: Harry (Osborn)

Piper's friend

(Different from how he is in the movies)


Name: Gwen (Stacy)

Piper's friend

(Different from how she is in the movies)


Name: Keith

Piper's friend


Name: Sofia

Piper's friend

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