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"Do you really not have any good stuff on this TV?"Luke said

"Luke, you're supposed to be helping us clean."I said

"No, you're supposed to be helping clean."He said

"Your the resident, I'm just the guest."Me and Luke said at the same time.

"Your getting better!"Luke said

"Better? I freaked out whenever I started floating."I said

"Your in good hands though, Abel has never not helped someone succeed."He said "I made the entire town have a blackout for a week, and Abel still was able to help me."He said

"Oh I remember that, but it's crazy that my best friend since kindergarten hid his powers from me."I said

"Aww cry me a river."He said as I tossed a pillow at his head, "anyways Ken where is your dad again?"He said

"He went to get fresh air,"Kennedy yelled from the kitchen.

"Hey Kennedy, I have a question about your dad."I said as I sat down on the couch beside Luke.

"Alright give me a minute."Kennedy yelled

Seconds later, Kennedy sat beside me on the couch.

"So, why doesn't your dad do what you do?"I asked

"I've wondered the same thing not gone lie."Luke said

"Well, He did at one point."Kennedy said

"What happened?"I asked

"He died."Kennedy said

"What?! Your dad is a-" Before Luke finished I covered his mouth.

"Think before you speak."I said

"Let me break it down."Kennedy said "So my dad was a hero, had a suit and all right."He said "My dad was fighting one of the biggest villains in town, his name was Cosmo, doesn't sound menacing does it?"He said "Well he wasn't just a regular villain, he killed my mom."He said "So Cosmo and my dad were fighting, but they had a draw resulting in both of them dying."He said "My dad burnt him up and Cosmo broke my dad's bones."He said

"So how is he alive now?"Luke asked

"Abel."Kennedy said "Abel seems immortal, but he can die."He said "Abel is using his illusion powers to keep my dad alive, but if Abel or my dad die then they both die."He said "What Abel did is connect his life with my Dad's, so as long as Abel lives that's how long my Dad will and vice versa."He said

"So is your dad like an illusion or is he actually here?"I asked

"Of course he's here."Abel said, making all of us jump.

"AH!"Luke yelled, jumping on the couch.

"Abel how did you get in here?!"I said

"When your minds are open stuff tends to attract to you."Abel said "Am I interrupting your story Kennedy?"He said

"No, I was just finishing up."Kennedy said

"Do you two mind if I borrow Keyshawn?"Abel asked

"I'm actually going to leave- call me if you need me!"Luke said as he got up and left the room.

Kennedy laughed and got up and walked away.

"You know what to do Keyshawn."Abel said

I nodded my head and relaxed my body. I closed my eyes and thought of the room that we were in. Then I thought of me and Abel in it. That's when I felt reality change around me, and everything around me felt calmer.

"We're here."Abel said

"I figured."I said jokingly

"We are going to start with Energy Manipulation."He said "Now Shawn, you need to be serious."He said

"Okay, I got it."I said

"Create the energy around your body, but this time contain it back inside you."He said

"Don't know if I can do that, but I'll try."I said

I closed my eyes and imagined energy. Suddenly I felt the energy begin to illuminate around me. I inhaled and exhaled, trying to contain the blue and fierce energy.

"Great job, Keyshawn."Abel said

I opened my eyes quickly to see the energy around me was gone.

"Nice blue eyes."Abel said

"Wait I have blue eyes!"I said "Do I look good? Is there a mirror here?"I said looking around

Abel laughed and got back serious again. "Serious, Shawn."Abel said

"Alright alright."I said

"Now, try to knock this table over with energy."He said "Imagine the energy in any way that you want."He said

I imagined the energy in the form of a ball and shot it at the table. The table flipped over and knocked everything off it.

"Good."He said "Now let's change it up."He said, snapping his finger, and we were now back in the living room. "Follow me outside."He said

"For what?"I asked

I followed him outside, and he created a mannequin out of thin air.

"Hit it."Abel said

I raised my fist and Abel quickly stopped me.

"With the energy Keyshawn."He said

"My bad."I said

I then relaxed my body and created a slash of energy, and the energy created a cut in the mannequin and knocked it over.

"Now let's try something different."Abel said as he created a team of mannequins.

I created an energy ball and knocked all the mannequins back.

"Now something very different."He said as he twirled his fingers. A image of an mannequin running at me with a knife flashed in my eyes. Suddenly that's exactly what happened.

I created a forcefield by accident, making the mannequin land right on top of the forcefield bubble.

"This is new isn't it."He said

"It is."I said

"What are you doing now that you're in this predicament."He said

I stood in the forcefield puzzled for a few seconds before an idea came to me. I pushed my hands out towards the forcefield walls, making it expand and knocking the mannequin on the ground. The mannequin got back up and started running at me. I created an energy ball and launched it at the mannequin. Finally stopping the mannequin.

"I did it!"I said

Abel suddenly disappeared.

"Why are you out here by yourself Shawn?"Mr. Tom said

"Abel was just here..."I said

"He mysteriously disappeared didn't he?"He said

"Yep."I said

"Come inside, we should probably eat."He said


I walked into Kennedy's room after my shower and he was standing in his room smiling.

"You don't look very menacing for someone who is going to teach me how to fight."I said

"Oh really?"Kennedy said

"Really."I said

Kennedy then kicked my leg with his making me fall, but he caught me last minute.

"You thought you were gone didn't you."Kennedy said

"Shut up and teach me how to fight."I said

"Whatever you say."He said

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