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POV: Georgia

It's been a few days since everything has happened and I've been training. City have a match today but I'm not allowed play it because of the red card. When I come back I'm going into demon mode though. Just you wait.

Bella is coming over soon and I decided I wanted to get her back for what she did the other night.

I got home and went upstairs

Bells 💕

B: be there in 5
G: okay just come into the room when you get here I'll be in the shower
B: okay see you soon x

I got my clothes ready and jumped in the shower. I was just done washing my hair when I heard Bella go up the stairs and into my room. Perfect.

My plan isn't anything extravagant but it'll work. I know Bella and I know it will work.

I got out of the shower and put my shorts and everything on but stayed in my sports bra. I walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom.

B: hey babe
G: hi darlin

I could see her eyes on me. I walked over to my desk and had my back facing her. I started putting my hair up into a bun but I was flexing my back muscles a little more then usual.

I suddenly head a sigh coming from Bella

B: I missed you
G: I missed you more b

I turned around and faced her. I caught her staring at my abs so I gave them a little flex

G: my eyes are up here darling

Her face went red

B: just enjoying my view

I slowly walked over to her on the bed and put my arms either side of her head.

G: and I'm enjoying mine

I gave her a deep kiss.

I laid beside her and she kissed me while rubbing her hand along my abs.

It felt nice but I need to stop.

I pulled away

G: nice try Bella
B: I hate you
G: no you don't
B: I seen what you did here
G: good. What do you want to do for the rest of the day
B: I have something in mind but I'm not sure your intentions are there anymore
G: shut up ya big horn dog (laughing)
B: Girls got needs

We both just laughed

B: how did the city game go?
G: it went well the girls won
B: that's good
G: yeah I mean we've got a few days off now so that's good
B: I'm excited !
G: me too

Just as we were talking keira bust in the door

K: hey lovebirds sorry to interrupt but we are going for dinner tonight so dress up nice and be ready for six. Both of ye !
G: what why ?
K: because I said so and I've got a surprise for you
G: what is it
K: you'll see
G: we could just have dinner at home ?
K: something wrong with the oven and lucy is trying to fix it
G: why don't you just get someone else to do it that knows what their on about ?
K: you know how she is
G: true
K: okay be ready for six bye

She left

B: what do you think the surprise is
G: I have absolutely no idea
B: I'm going to have to go home and get clothes
G :okay come on I'll drive you

We got up and jumped in the car. I started driving to Bella's house. Once we arrived I was greeted with Alex running towards me

A: hello auntie g

She jumped into my arms and gave me a massive hug. I love her

G: hello little one how are you?
A: I'm good. Are you staying?
G: no we are not sadly. Me and your beautiful sister are going for dinner tonight

She looked sad

G: hey look what I brought you

I pulled out a chocolate bar that I brought for her.

B: come on g I'm ready
G: that was quick
B: what can I say
A: bye auntie g. Bye Bella

We gave her hugs and left.

B: I love how good you are with her
G: she's a good kid

I glance over at her. She's so beautiful.

Bella gives me a kiss on the cheek and then I put my hand on her thigh. I start to squeeze and go higher.

B: g unless we are about to do it in your car I advise you to stop

I laugh at her and just rest my hand on her thigh.

When love lasts Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang