Catchy Tunes

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Aziraphale had picked up some new records, he was trying to listen to more modern music. So when he got home he went straight to his record player and put on 'Starboy' by the weekend to see what all the fuss was about. 

The first few lines caught him during his writing, he looked over at the record spinning and looked back at the paper "That's gonna be in my head for a while." he smiled softly and continued with his work. 

"I had a vision, a vision of my nails in the kitchen 

Scratching countertops I was screaming 

My back arched like a cat, You were hitting it.

And I shouldn't cry but I love it, starboy."

Aziraphale yawned looking at the time, it was getting very late and he got up to go brush his teeth and head to bed. When he finally crashed down into his bed his eyes closed and quickly he faded off to sleep. A dream started to form, one that he had no control over but he felt everything. 

Aziraphale was walking around what looked like Crowley's house, making his way to the kitchen to look for a drink and he heard something and turned around not seeing anything that could've made the sound. It sounded like something had tapped the wall close to the kitchen in the hall. Aziraphale grabbed a water glass and filled it taking a sip putting it down in front of him staring out the window. 

He could feel eye's on him, he didn't know where it was coming from but it was there although he didn't seem threatened by it for some reason. He leaned onto the counter looking closer at the yard and seeing the bright green grass and grey lawn chairs, all he could think about was how he wanted to see Crowley actually use his yard and how he should take better care of it because the grass looked slightly overgrown. he always offered to help him with it but Crowley didn't seem interested.  

Aziraphale felt someone press up against him and pin his hips to the counter "Hello Angel." Crowley said in a seductive soft tone near Aziraphale's ear, Crowley was in a robe and had not wasted any time moving his hands to touch the Angel's sides and to grope his ass "You thirsty?~"  he asked and Aziraphale moaned softly in response. 

"C-Crowley what the heck are you doing?" Aziraphale asked squirming letting out another breathy moan when Crowley dropped the robe and pulled down Aziraphale's pants along with his boxers. "What does it look like Angel?~" Crowley had already lubed himself up before walking to the kitchen and he gently pushed into Aziraphale sending the most spine-shivering burning sweet sensations into Aziraphale's body. 

He had almost forgotten it was a dream, it felt so good and he was very aware it was a dream but that started to change once he felt Crowley push into his entrance, it was so real and secretly he hoped it was real or that Crowley was tempting him.

Crowley started to thrust and Aziraphale held onto the counter becoming a groaning mess, he had never felt something as good as what was going on. The only better thing would be Crowley really doing this to him. 

Aziraphale was about to climax, he was nearly there, just a few more thrusts and he would be seeing stars. He couldn't even hold himself up anymore, the only reason he stayed up was because of Crowley. 


Aziraphale opened his eyes right as he climaxed and he looked around not expecting to see his own bedroom, he was dazed and it took a minute for him to sit up and look around "W-was that only a dream?" he peeked under the blankets and groaned "There goes my nice sleeping trousers." he sighed and got up walking into the bathroom taking off his clothes and getting into the shower. 

When he walked out in his robe laying his clothes out on his bed to get ready for the day he heard a voice that startled him "Hello Aziraphale." Crowley smiled leaning in the doorway "How are you getting on this morning?" he took off his sunglasses, "I'm alright Crowley, how about you?" he said teleporting the clothes on.

"I'm feeling good. You look like you just woke up Angel, what were you dreaming about that kept you past your alarm?" he asked puzzled, Aziraphale never missed an alarm and he was always awake very early in the morning around 6 am sharp, but this sleep kept him till 9 am.

"Oh- oh uh, it's nothing Crowley, I was just very tired." he quickly tossed his dirty clothes into the dirty clothes basket and pushed it under his bed "Really it's nothing to wonder about?" Crowley asked walking over, now he was very interested in what Aziraphale had been dreaming about. 

"I listened to some new records and one got stuck in my head. Stargirl Interlude I think the name was?" he combed his hair "Anyways it gave me some weird dream that's all, normally angels have control of their dreams which is why it left me so confused." Aziraphale looked over at Crowley who was now very close "Really Angel?" he smirked, Crowley knew when he'd even slightly lie, it was the worst part about being an angel, demons could see right through everyone's lies. 

Aziraphale sighed in defeat "Alright you caught me... just leave it alright? That dream means nothing because I'm not allowed to sin." 

"Not allowed to sin?? Now I must hear what this dream was about, you have to tell me, what sin was it?" he followed Aziraphale around waiting for an answer while he got his morning coffee.

"We had intercourse!" Aziraphale blurted while sitting at his desk in the library, Crowleys face lit up "Oh my god you had a wet dream? an angel? I can't believe I tempted an angel! welcome to the Darkside Aziraphale~" he teased and pulled him up out of his chair. 

"Shut up Demon," Aziraphale looked at him "And tempt me to do it here and now." he kissed him passionately. 

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