Ghost Face's Date

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Aziraphale had woken up and gotten his coffee, he glanced over at the calendar seeing a date circled "Halloween!" he said happily as he looked at the time "I wonder what Crowley's doing tonight, it must be a very long day for a demon." He took a sip of his coffee, he had spent his whole day decorating for the occasion, he had already bought the candy and the three large bowls sat next to his library door, he always handed out the best sweet's and drinks for the kids and the kids knew to visit his house every year, some of them would come inside and read some of the books he had laid out.

Aziraphale searched later that afternoon for some scary movies, he settled on the Scream series and started on the first one. He had of course bought a whole bag of candy for himself because who doesn't love a special treat during movie marathons?

Everything seemed all well but as Aziraphale went through the movies he continued to get more paranoid that someone was watching him, *DING* the doorbell rang and it scared Aziraphale off the couch, he picked up a bowl and opened the door Seeing three young children "Trick or Treat!" they yelled in unison, Azira smiled and gave them each a handful of candy each, "There you go, have a lovely night!" he smiled and waved goodbye to the kids and their parents.

"Jeez Aziraphale you are an Angel relax, nothing is watching you your just paranoid." he took some deep breaths and locked the door walking back to the couch, it was now getting darker outside and the feeling started to creep up on him more every time he opened the door, it felt like someone was in the room with him, he shut off the movie and yawned looking at the time "Gosh it's already 1 in the morning I need to get to bed." he got up and groaned stretching his arms and legs out.

He turned off all the lights and decided to leave the bowl out on the step for anyone else who was late trick-or-treating, as he walked up the stairs he realized that he was feeling a bit hungry, maybe a small snack would help him fall asleep, there was some leftover pasta in the fridge from last night so he put some in a bowl and put it in the microwave. Out of nowhere, the phone rang and Aziraphale jumped "What the hell!" his head whipped over at the phone on the wall and he walked over "Hello?"

"Hey Aziraphale." An unknown voice spoke through the phone, Azira felt weak in the legs, he was nervous now.

"Who is this?"

"Do you wanna play a game?"

Aziraphale hung up quickly and he heard the wind whistling, the large window inside of the library was open, and someone was INSIDE THE HOUSE. Aziraphale quickly made his way upstairs and into his bedroom closing the door behind him, he was now shaking, where was Crowley when he needed him most? was he about to be discorporated and sent to heaven? No, it couldn't go down like this, it can't right?

The closet slowly opened and out emerged someone in all black with a knife and Ghostface mask, Aziraphale screamed and ran out of the room getting grabbed from behind and yanked back inside the room "Found you!", Aziraphale let out a loud scream as he was pushed onto the bed and pinned down, quickly he threw off the mask of his attacker and

"CROWLEY?!" Azriaphale took some deep breaths and stared at him still feeling the adrenaline move throughout his body "What the hell do you think you're doing?!"

Crowley slowly got up and smiled "Happy Halloween Angel~" Crowley smirked and put the knife down while laughing "I really got you this time, next year will be even better." He took off the cloak and threw it off to the side. "You should've seen your face." he laughed harder not being able to catch his breath, "That scream was pure terror wasn't it?"

"Crowley you snake, how could you make me afraid." Aziraphale got up fixing his shirt "You scared the heavens out of me." he crossed his arms and looked away, "I'm sorry Angel, what can I do to make it up to you?" He slowly pulled something from behind his back and it was a pillowcase full of chocolates and other sweets "Come onnnn how about we watch some scary movies~" he said in a low tone trying to mimic Ghostface from the movie and he did one hell of a job at it because it sent a shiver up the Angel's spine.

"F-fine but don't scare me again." He got up and Crowley stopped him "How about we make our own movie?"

"Crowley what are you talking about??" He asked puzzled, He felt Crowley slowly grab his waist and move towards the bed a smirk appearing on his face.
Aziraphale sat on the bed "And...In this movie you're my victim~" Crowley moved down and kissed his neck softly "No one will hear your whimpering and groans~"

"G-groans?" Aziraphale melted at Crowley's gentle touch and slowly laid down as the demon moved between the man's legs "I want to hear you beg for more~" Crowley's eyes filled with lust and hunger as he reached up Aziraphales shirt "Ghostface has a date tonight and it's a beautiful little Angel who will do what daddy tells him to, Right Angel?" Crowley got undressed, not caring where his clothes landed, and from what he could see Aziraphales eyes were locked onto his body, his chest his waist, and then his eyes moved to the Demons boxers, Crowley was already rock hard, And seeing Aziraphale look at him like that made it clear that he was making all the right moves.

"What are you gonna do to me, Crowley?" He felt his heartbeat pick up pace as Crowley placed the tip of his cock against the entrance of Aziraphale "You and I are gonna have the best Halloween night ever~" 

Aziraphales eyes slightly rolled back while Crowley pushed his cock down inside of the Angel's tight hole, the Angel stayed still not even a little squirm, he wanted Crowley to absolutely fill him to the brim, Crowley let out a soft grunt as he started to thrust in and out, He was only halfway inside and already Aziraphale was whimpering and holding onto the sheets grasping at anything that would keep his mouth shut; Crowley gently pinned his hands down "Moan for me, Angel~" he stared down at him as the lights in the room dimmed to the point that he could only see Crowley's yellow eyes and just the shadow of his body over Aziraphale. His eyes roll back and he shuts them as the pace picks up "C-Crowley please I can't do that."

"Why not, is it because it's unholy to moan in such a manner?" Crowley teased "Do it now, I'm not asking, I command you to." He hissed softly and watched the Angel melt, now knowing that being  a brat and challenging Crowley didn't work he decided to go with what he was saying, and thats when the pleasure hit him. He felt so out of breath like had been running for miles

Crowley looked down watching the Angel moan continuously. It was obvious that Aziraphale was incredibly sensitive and was already getting on edge, he couldn't feel anything else but Crowleys cock taking over his insides, "Dont stop, its right there!" He felt Crowley hit just the right spot that drove him nuts and Crowley decided to absolutely pound and abuse the shit out of that one spot listening to his moans become screams of pleasure.

Aziraphale came onto Crowley, himself and the bed, Crowley wasn't done with him. Aziraphale knew this because the pace didn't change it kept going, and he heard a moan escape from Crowleys lips, he was close as well and was about to break.
Aziraphale felt a warm sensation fill him and his eyes rolled back as he laid down fully, his whole body relaxed against the bed and he was at a loss for words.
Crowley had completely filled him up and as the demon pulled out of his lover  some spilled out onto the sheets.

They shared a glance then smiled "That was really..really good Crowley..Let's do it again next year?" Aziraphale kissed him passionately and Crowley smirked "of course my love, Maybe we don't have to wait till Halloween though~" he dragged a finger up Aziraphales chest and kissed back.
This made the Angel giggle softly "I can't wait..why don't you stay the night? We can make breakfast in the morning and watch some more movies?"

"I'd love that angel" Crowley pulled him into a cuddle and closed his eyes letting out a soft yawn "Goodnight Angel."
"Goodnight my love." Aziraphale answered already drifting off to sleep.


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