We're Angels (G.O season 2 spoilers)

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"It's all gorgeous!"  Crowley spun and held his arms out, The stars were breathtaking but there was an even more heartstopping beauty floating next to Crowley. And Angel named Aziraphale "Crowley I don't want you going around asking too many questions, you could get in trouble." 

"It's alright, How much trouble can i get into for asking questions; They're just that Questions. it's okay angel I'll be fine." 

On Earth during the storm after Crowley had tempted Aziraphale to try food for the first time and now he was going to draw him to do something even more sinful. "Aziraphale, you know that was temptation right?" Crowley asked raising an eyebrow and Aziraphale slowly nodded glancing away I know but the food was terrific how could I not try it, it pulled me to, it smelled so good.." he tried justifying every way that it wasn't Crowley tempting him to do it but he always came back in a circle to Crowley originally spinning the idea on the table, "Okay! fine you were right, but that'll be the one and only time. I'm sure God doesn't mind..Angel's eating material objects." 

"I sure hope not." Crowley said with a flirtatious tone, "But if they do I'll save a place in hell for you next to me." 

"For me? Next to you?" As endearing as that was Aziraphale was pulled out of it when he remembered it was in hell "No no, I'm not gonna fall Crowley. but do you mean that?" 

"100% Angel," he said with a wink and a welcoming smile. Aziraphale found himself slowly walking over and then deciding to have a seat and a drink with the demon, he wasn't a threat to the Angel only the people who hurt him. After a few hours knowing they'd have to stay there much longer to outlast the storm they settled on playing truth or dare; 

"Your turn." Azirphale stretched and took a bite of lamb, "Truth or dare?" Crowley asked leaning back taking a sip of wine then handing it to Az "Mmm how about dare this time." he swung himself side to side while holding the bottle, "I dare you to tell me what you think of your boss Gabriel." This took Az a few moments of thinking to answer, yes he was demanding, didn't understand anything, and was incredibly rude but they couldn't just say that out loud especially if God was always watching. 

"Well I mean, he can be..demanding I guess without trying to understand the situation first, he's ill-tempered he doesn't seem to know anything about humans and it really interferes with the work I'm supposed to do-.." he cut himself off "Sorry, But you see my point." Aziraphale fell silent and couldn't make eye contact, "I see what you mean, Don't feel bad Angel, you're not speaking in lies so you aren't technically in trouble." 

"You're right I mean who would be here to punish me." Aziraphale smiled and laid back "Truth or dare Crowley?"


"I know demons don't know much about love but since you've been on earth do you like humans? Do you enjoy being around them?" Az asked eating another peice of lamb; "Well I guess so, I like being around them much more than demons...but there is one thing thats keeping me right here."

"And that is?" 

Crowley and Aziraphale were now sitting in front of one another and Az was leaned in puzzled a hand made its way onto the Angel's leg "Oh I think you know very well why I'm sitting down here Angel."

Silence fell over the room and Aziraphales cheeks turn pink "M-Me? What are you on about Crowley??"
"I could've left but I didn't, Just give in the to temptation Angel~" his voice lowered and his hand moved up towards his hip.

Az's body melted and he fell back laying on the ground "Crowley what are you doing-" he was cut off when Crowley shushed him softly "Trust me Gorgeous~" (ouch season two hit us like a bat)

Crowley stripped his pants and the rest of his clothing off in front of Aziraphale just to tease him, moving down he lifted the robe the Angel had on and pulled down his underwear and moving it off to the side, "Angel its alright nothing to be nervous about~" he reassured quietly

Starting at the base Crowley wrapped his hand around the angels cock and stroked slowly, Aziraphale made soft whimpers and moans but remained as quiet as he could, not to worry though cause Crowley listened to every single noise coming out of his mouth, it was like music to him.

"C-crowley somethings happening..!" He said in a quick whisper

"Yes yes let it happen, its okay Angel~" Crowley answered smiling softly not even a few moments after saying that a gush of cum landed on Aziraphales robes and the rest on Crowleys hand.

He licked a small portion off his hand tasting it just for fun, but that seem to send Az off the edge and made him completely needy for Crowley
"Whatever that was I want more please Crowley~" the Angel begged

"Will do then Angel~" he spread his legs open rubbing his hands up and down his inner thighs
Crowley miracled up some lubricant and shoved two fingers into Aziraphales hole starting to scissor him "Good boy~"

Az couldn't control themselves, they started to moan continuously and much louder than before; but the loudest moan came out when Crowley pushed his cock inside, but because of the storm, no one could've heard them.

Crowley groaned and started to thrust and after a few good thrusts inside they became more sloppy, he moved down and kissed his Angel while his mouth was open and slid his tongue inside, Aziraphale felt crowley start to speed up his thrusts, he wasn't sure why but he knew that a reaction he had had before was about to happen again.

Crowley moved up for breath and groaned hotly finishing deep inside the Angel, And when he looked down Az's eyes were rolled back then they shut as a whimpered came out, it sounded so desperate to keep quiet, Az was trying his mouth shut out of fear someone would hear them but once he felt another gush he just let it all come out and hot and louder are definitely an understatement of what happened.

"C-Crowley where did you learn all that?" Az asked as Crowley grabbed himself a quick drink "Humans actually, found out that's what humans do for pleasure."

"How did you see that??"

"Uhm...Maybe I walked in on something." He admitted and his cheeks went slightly pink

Crowley came back over and finished his drink moving down "but I also learned this~" he took Az's tip into his mouth then the rest of their cock completely deep throating them, and since demons or angels didn't have gag reflexes this made it so much easier.

Aziraphale put his hand on Crowleys head grabbing his hair "Oh goodness Crowley~" he said closing his eyes once more laying completely down, It felt more like heaven than heaven ever did, if humans did this they weren't sure why angels and demons never tried it but he guessed they were the first ones.

Wave after wave of pleasure brought Aziraphale to his climax and Crowley moved up just in time for it to end up all in his mouth and some down his throat, he moved off as Aziraphale was panting heavily and whimpering and he swallowed "Anything humans can do i can do better~"

"Fine you win, your side sounds so much better than heaven and hells." Az admitted defeat and sighed softly


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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