Chapter 5 - School

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The bus prematurely stops, a few inches before the actual next stop, but we all know the bus driver is probably sick of school kids. Despite this being everyone's stop, we decide this is the moment to get our lip glosses out of our bags and apply, using our phone screens as mirrors. This prolongs the time enough to make sure Luke and his mates go first. They walk past us and Aiden, who is at the back, looks back to share a secret, knowing look with Daisy, who responds by smiling and flushing redder than I have ever seen her go. She drops her gaze down to her knees. Once they're off the bus, everyone else stands up and rushes off.

'Cheers,' Hannah says to the bus driver, knowing it's her day to say it for us, Daisy and I simply flashing a smile at him. I would hate to be driving a bus where even I know one of the kids has a bad reputation. 

As we start the short walk to get into school, Hannah and Daisy blabber about Valentine's Day, and I pretend not to see the big deal and let myself drift into my thoughts. I've never really gone in on Valentine's Day, it's just a load of cheesy, lovey-dovey stuff no one wants to see. At least I don't. I guess it's nice to experience, though, if you do get noticed, hence Hannah and Daisy's repetitive dialogue. Every year this happens, every year I'm left out of at least one conversation and it always seems to be Valentine's. I wish I was more into this type of thing so I wouldn't feel so out of place. 

On the approach to the school entrance, I pull out my phone to check it, noting that I haven't got any messages. I shut it down, forcing myself to interact with the others, at least trying to get on board. 'What sort of thing did you write in your letter, Daze?' I ask in a poor attempt to get involved.

Daisy hesitates, her mouth half-open. 'I kind of just compliment him, you know? Make him feel better about himself. I wrote a poem, but one to try and make him smile...' her voice trails off as she reflects on the words she put into Aiden's letter, flushing slightly, for the second time in as many minutes.

'Oh? Come on, tell me more. Stop holding out,' I look at her, smiling softly, enticing her to overcome her embarrassment. Contemplating what to say, Daisy studies the double doors at the entrance to the school, and the students filtering through it, giving the occasional smile to Year Sevens. After Hannah and I exchange a 'look', Daisy musters up the courage to answer. 

'When I described his eyes,' Daisy's expression becomes full of wonder, '"Your eyes, dark and mysterious, inviting me into a world I could only wish to experience."'

'That's some deep stuff,' Hannah observes, not teasing this time, giving an approving half smile. Nodding quietly, I can tell she's taking an interest to imagine her own letter, although knowing she's never been soft with words the way Daisy is. More like a sledgehammer. A bull in a china shop. She is not subtle. If Hannah wrote a love letter, it would go something like this:

"Dear So-and-so,

I think your mega hot, and you should take that as a compliment cos I have loads of boys chasing after me, probs some chicks too. The fact Ive picked you is a BLESSING, so make sure you choose wisely ;). Even if it includes dumping your girl, Im most likely better. You no you luv me, sexy.


Hanz xxx"

She is rubbish at spelling and punctuation, mainly because she doesn't care (Hannah is actually an incredibly talented tennis player and focuses much of her efforts in this area). Personally, I'm not sure how I'd react to receiving a letter like that other than thinking someone is just taking the mick out of me. I hope Hannah doesn't get any ideas just because a softie like Daisy has written an enchanting note to her crush. It's Daisy's thing anyway.

We head straight to the cafeteria, knowing we have at least twenty minutes spare to chat. Once we reach the table we usually sit at, Daisy and Hannah start talking about boys again, causing me to escape absently into a world of thought. I think a lot, I realise, which can be good and bad depending on how you look at it. It means you get trapped in your own head and are antisocial, or it means you think things through thoroughly before making a decision. Although, sometimes you end up going around in so many circles, indecision becomes the name of the day. In the end, because of the girls' conversation, I start thinking about boys too, but in a different way to them.

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