Chapter 2

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Apparently, I miscalculated my chances of never seeing her again, since I had forgotten that there was a mandatory meeting this morning for all students.

But, of course, I was late. I slept through my alarm; didn't have enough money for the bus; Roan just left without knocking on my damn door in the morning (asshole); and Jennie hadn't come back from her shift yet. So, I ended up running to school, and thus, was late, exhausted, and slightly sweaty.

Trying to sneak into an auditorium full of staff and students was a fruitless affair, and all eyes turned to me the second the doors opened. Principal Jaha stopped speaking and waited for me to find a seat, so I took the first free one I could find - right next to the brunette bimbo that pulled the hot blonde away from me yesterday.

"Good morning," I whispered as I sat next to her.

She sighed audibly and leaned further away from me, choosing to not respond.

I rolled my eyes, but they almost fell out of my head when I noticed who was next to her. My heart rate sped up as I caught the curious eyes of the blonde I nearly melted into a gay puddle over. I think I might have gasped before I feigned nonchalance and faced forward again.


Bimbo brunette leaned over to the object of my desire and stage whispered, "Who does this girl think she is? Why is she sitting here? God, I didn't realize poor people smelled so bad."

And, okay, I probably smelled a little today. I did run two miles to get to school.

I clenched my fists into the arm rests and shot a sideways glare at the brunette.

my eyes lingered a little longer when I noticed the blonde furrow her brows at her friend, then glance over at me with a look I didn't quite understand. Her cheeks tinted red when she caught my eye, and she pointed her index finger toward the stage to remind me where my focus should have been.

"Her hair looks like she hasn't showered in days. And would it kill her to wear a little makeup?" The brunette continued, rolling her eyes at the blonde.

"Lorelei, can you just pay attention to the Principal, please?" the blonde snapped.

The brunette bimbo, Lorelei, just scoffed and took out her phone, and the blonde sighed at her friend's apathy.

I spent the rest of the assembly trying to figure out the meaning behind the look that the blonde gave me.

When the teachers and students started shuffling to leave at the conclusion, Lorelei didn't even wait for me to stand before shoving her way past.

"Fucking disgusting," she sneered.

I bit my cheek until I could taste blood, and stepped into the aisle to make room for the blonde.

Her shoulders dropped, and she shimmied past without making eye contact.

My heart sank and my throat burned.

I found Roan outside of the auditorium and reminded him not to wait for me after school because of basketball tryouts, and he just rolled his eyes at me as he walked away.

"As if I'd wait for you," he called over his shoulder.

"No shit! I'm late because you didn't wait!" I yelled after him.

He shot his middle finger up in the air as he walked away.



Coach Indra was, without a doubt, a hardass. She probably chewed rocks as bubble gum.

She took one look at my shoes and immediately dismissed me before I even stepped onto the court, Stating that I wasn't allowed to come back until I had proper footwear, and with the comments from this morning stewing in the back of my mind, I threw a few choice words in her direction before storming off.

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