Chapter 35

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"You just left them there?!" The absolute horror on Roan's face made my stomach implode.

"I mean, what was I supposed to do?"

"You were -- it -- well -- I don't know!"

"You're literally always having sex with Raven."

"Yes, but I don't ever have to consciously think about my hands and what to do with them."

"I'm a lesbian. I have a feeling it's the most important part of my body."

"I mean, your mouth is probably important, too."

"Why did I talk to you about this again?"

"Because I'm your best friend and I am the only one between us that's had sex? And it'd be kind of weird to talk to Costia after..."

I groaned and Roan laughed.

"You should probably talk to Chaeyoung about it."

"Or not," he corrected after I hit him with a glare. "But seriously, just like, I don't know, play around with then until she tells you to stop or keep going. That's how you learn. Oh, but don't pinch her nipple too hard. It hurts and you'll get slapped. Or kicked, depending on where your head is. Oh, also, use your mouth. Girls like that."

I scrunched my face at the thought.

"What? It's not like she's breastfeeding you. Oh my God, stop with the face. They're sensitive and it feels good!"

"Does it feel good for guys too?" I wondered.

Roans cheeks dusted pink. "I mean, yeah. Like I said, it's sensitive. Also, all guys and girls are different and you gotta try stuff to figure out what they like. But, like, ask first or you'll be slapped. Or kicked."

"This sounds like you've learned from experience."

Roan rolled his eyes. "But yeah, nipples are great. Hands and mouth and teeth. But, like not biting. It's not a piece of steak."

"The fact that you just compared it to steak makes me worry for Raven. Also makes me think you've learned all this from a lot of slaps and kicks."

Roan rolled his eyes and punched me. "Every girl is different. "Raven likes it when I --,"

"Raven likes it when you what?" The Latina interrupted, her tray hitting the lunch table with a thud. She punched Roan in the arm and greeting, then gave me a wide smile. "Hey sexy Lisie,"

"I thought I told you to never call me that?"

Raven shrugged. "So, what are we talking about?" She shovelled a spoonful of mashed potato in her mouth and smiled at us both again.

Roan and I turned a bright red.

Oh, dear God.

She quirked a brow at us and tilted her head to the side, smiling as the wheels turned in her head, slowly putting the pieces together based on our expressions.

"Oh, I think I know. I had this conversation with Chaeyoung the day after it all happened."

I didn't think my cheeks could go any redder. And then Chaeyoung sat down with a kiss on my cheek and asked, "what conversation?"

"The S-E-X convo," Raven stage whispered.

I think I was officially becoming a tomato.

I groaned and covered my head with my hands on the table. Chaeyoung rubbed my back soothingly as she laughed.

"You talked to Raven about sex? She's straight." I asked, fighting a blush while avoiding the eyes of my friends at the table.

Chaeyoung nodded. "She's my friend and it's either her or my mom."

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