Chapter 19

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"Alright bitchachos, it's time for the annual Raven Reyes party!" Raven yelled.

"What?" Chaeyoung asked, leaning slightly further away from her friend, and closer into my side.

"My annual party. I have it... annually, duh."

"We weren't invited last year," Chaeyoung said with a joking pout.

"That's because I didn't throw it last year."

"Then it's not really 'annually' now is it," I quipped.

Raven scowled at me. "You know, Manoban, I'm not sure if your name is going to stay in the guest list if you keep up that attitude."

I clutched my chest dramatically, only making Raven's scowl deepen.

"When is it?" Chaeyoung cut in, squeezing my thigh underneath the table in warning.

"This Saturday. I'd tell you to bring a date but..." she looked me up and down, "they're already coming."

"Shut it Reyes," I snapped. Raven stuck her tongue out at me in response.

"That goes for you too, tall, dark, and broody," she said looking at Roan. "You better come... but don't worry about the date." She winked at him.

"You gonna give me a tour?" Roan asked.

"You think you can handle a tour?" She leaned further over the table.

"Oh my God, stop," I barked. "Please."

Raven rolled her eyes and stuck her hip out to the side.

"Also, most people sleep over because of the drinks. I'm not a fan of people driving while intoxicated," she patted her brace, "so you have that option. That includes bikes, Manoban. Lord knows we can't have you falling off the bike and ruining that beautiful mug of yours. Not to mention your coach would skin me alive if you and the other ballers are injured." I swatted at her hand when she tried to take my chin in between her fingers and thumb.

"Someone's in a feisty mood," she growled playfully.

"Leave her alone, Rae," Chaeyoung said with exasperation.

"Oh! I also invited curly with the glasses. She's cute. So, suck in that lower lip and bring that fine ass of yours, Manoban." Raven blew me a kiss before turning to saunter away.

"So, are you going?" Chaeyoung asked both Roan and I.

"I'm not sure that we have much of a choice," Roan answered. "She knows what our classes are."

"I mean, she's also our friend," Chaeyoung added with a boisterous laugh.

"That's debatable," I retorted. "And no, I'm not going to some stupid high school party where everyone gets smashed and does stupid shit, and I'm stuck being around people I don't even like again."

"People you don't like? Including me? And Roan? And Luna, Echo, Costia..." Chaeyoung said with a knowing smirk. It made me more agitated.

I shrugged, slumping further into my seat and crossing my arms heavily over my chest. "Whatever."

"What's eating you?" Roan asked, kicking my foot with his own.

"Nothing," I grumbled out, kicking his foot right back with more force.

I had woken up in a bad mood.

Chaeyoung gave me an incredulous look when she heard my foot collide with Roan's shin.

I chewed on my cheek. I knew I was being a brat, but I couldn't help it. Not right now.

"We're going to go for a walk, Roan," Chaeyoung said, squeezing my thigh underneath the table again.

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