For Whom the Tornado of Souls

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Marceline arrived at the location Keila had texted her. If the dodgy-ass bar wasn't enough to scare him off the dodgy-ass geezer that entered almost was. She went in carrying her bass on her back and went up to the counter where there was a woman with more piercings than Jody from Pulp Fiction.

"Hey." Marceline greeted.

"Hey." The reciprocated.

"What room is Keila in?" Marceline asked.

"Keila and her band are in Rehearsal Room 11, down that corridor, and turn left." She pointed it out with her hand.

"Thank you." Marceline said with a polite smile and then followed the woman's instructions. Before she went in Marceline could already hear the band preparing: guitars tuning, one-two-one-twos into the mic, and the drummer adjusting and trying out the drums and cymbals. She went in and saw Keila tuning an Ibanez guitar, a Guy next to her with an Explorer, behind him a big guy behind the drum kit and on the other side of the room a man next to the microphone with a beer in his hand. Marceline looked straight at him.

"It's 11:30 am." She stated.

"Mind your business." The drunkard retorted.

"Sorry about Jacob," The rhythm guitarist spoke. "He is a great singer even if he's a bit of a drunk."

"Fuck you Guy!" Jacob shouted and then took another sip.

"I'm so glad you came," Keila said as Marceline set her things up. "I guess you already know Guy and Jacob, and that big guy behind the kit in Bongo," Bongo smiled at Marceline and waved. "He is mute but can still hear." Marceline nodded and in an instant tuned her bass strings by ear.

"So what are we playing?" Marceline asked and Keila smiled.

"We were thinking of playing some covers," Keila answered. "You know any Metallica?"

"Is For Whom the Bell Tolls good?" Marceline asked and Bongo signaled something with his hands both Guy and Keila laughed.

"What did he say?" Marceline asked confused.

"Nothing," Keila let out a last laugh before answering. "It's just that that's always the song bassists choose."

"Of course," Marceline joked. "It's either that or Orion for bass players." Marceline then turned to the amp to dial in her tone. Once she got a nice distorted one she hit the back of the neck of her bass to let all the strings ring out. Bongo counted everyone in with the hi-hat and they all played the first two chords of the song together before Marceline went higher up the fretboard to play the melody while the others kept playing the riff underneath after a few repetitions Marceline went back down the fretboard to play a descending chromatic bass line which the guitars also started playing after a few more repetitions. At one point they all held an E while the drums kept going before Keila came in playing the second intro melody on her guitar while Marceline and Guy accompanied her. They then all came together to play the chorus riff before returning to the verse riff, this time with Jacob's singing rather than Keila's guitar.

Make his fight on the hill in the early day

Constant chill deep inside

The whole band went silent except for Bongo who played a drum fill before the whole band came back in.

Shouting gun, on they run through the endless grey

On they fight, are they right, yes, by who's to say?

For a hill men would kill, why? They do not know

Stiffened wounds test there their pride

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