Chapter 8

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The TV presenter looked straight at the camera as he delivered the introduction. "Welcome to Seattle Tonight! And we're here with The Scream Queens!..." Marceline tuned him out as she readied herself for her first time on TV, the single with Paul and the 4-track demo had gotten some traction in the Seattle area, and with Geffen behind them they had managed to get a 5-minute slot on local TV.

" Marceline, I believe you're the band's newest addition, and in a way the one responsible for the moderate success you've been receiving lately. What are your thoughts on this?"

"Well, I am definitely not the only one to thank, it was Keila that found me, the fans that accepted me, Guy who produced the demo, Geffen who signed us, and Paul who lent us his amazing talent..." Bongo jokingly punched Marceline on the side of the shoulder. "Ow...and don't forget about Bongo being amazing on drums."

"And she's modest!" The TV presenter cut her off. "The perfect artist don't you think folks? Now before your time runs out is there anything you would like to say?"

"Yeah!" Keila said enthusiastically. "If you like old school rock/metal check out Hellraiser ft. Paul Crooked and the Scream Queens demo, to our fans, we are working on an album with Geffen so we won't be able to do shows but you'll get studio versions of our songs soon enough, we love you guys!"

"That was the Scream Queens promoting their new single: Hellraiser, which you'll be able to hear next here at Fremont TV!"


Back at their flat Keila and Marceline were celebrating their first TV appearance.

"Which wine should we open first?" Keila held out two bottles of wine which she had taken out of one of the counters in the kitchen.

"Which one is more expensive?" Marceline asked with a smirk.

"You want to bring me financial ruin don't you?" Keila bantered as she set both on the table and started opening one of the bottles. "I 'stole' this bottle lazy time I visited my grandparents, they have a room full of expensive wine. I've been saving it for a special occasion, which was originally going to be our record deal but we went out partying that night so our first time on TV has to do." Keila popped the cork off and started pouring it into two glasses."

"What about the other one?" Marceline asked.

"Cheapest one I found at Walmart." They both shared a laugh when the phone rang, Marceline took a sip out of her glass.

"I'll go and get it." Marceline said as she put her glass down and made her way to the phone. She picked it up and talked with the person on the other end as Keila inspected the label on the bottle and took a sip out of her glass. "Is that you Guy? Your Dave Grohl impression is getting way better." Marceline joked which drew Keila's attention.

"Who is it?" Keila asked.

"It's Guy making his stupid Dave Grohl impression," Keila laughed and Marceline listened. "Apparently he wants us to tour with Foo Fighters."

"Hang up on his ass!" Keila laughed.

"Alright Guy, you asshole! Good night!" Marceline hang up.


Marceline woke up to the sound of the doorbell, she was on the sofa with an empty bottle of wine in one hand and a sleeping Keila on her legs.

"Coming..." She managed to croak as she rubbed her eyes and set Keila down carefully, the doorbell rang again as she made her way to the door. Marceline tiredly opened the door only to see Prismo with...was that fucking Dave Grohl? She was definitely still drunk.

"Hello, Marceline!" Prismo smiled. "May we come in?"

"Keila!" Marceline shouted into the flat.

"what?" a soft moan answered.

"Is Dave Grohl on our doorstep right now?"

"What?" a flurry of quick steps could be heard before she popped her head into the hallway. "Holy shit!" Keila went back into the room trying to frantically clean up.

"Yes, you can come in." Marceline said with a smile.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2023 ⏰

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