Broken Window

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TW: If you are disturbed by the mention of blood than I suggest skipping this chapter. Or read it and skip the whole blood part. Your choice.....
((No POV))
*4 Days Later*
Dick opened his eyes immediately and launched out of bed. " what was that" he whispered to himself. He grabbed one of his escrima stick and headed over to the living room. Standing there stood glass shattered all over the floor while Red Hood was in the middle of the room dripping blood from the window. His Red Hood mask on the floor while all he had to cover his face was a domino mask. " What Happened?" Dick asked
"Some goon shot me... can you take the bullet out?!"
"Ok wait here"
Dick ran to the bathroom and grabbed bandages, ointments, and tweezers.
"Where's the bullet" Red Hood pointed to where he could feel the bullet still stuck in. With the tweezers Dick grabbed the bullet out, put on some ointment and wrapped bandages around his waist.
"Bandages aren't going to hold much"
" then what did you suggest?" Dick said raising a brow.
" Duck tape" Red Hood Smirked
"Yea-no." Dick lightly chuckled
Red Hood rolled his eyes. Under his mask.
"But I think you owe me something"
Red hood gave a confused look. "Like what?"
" well I helped you. I think you should at least tell me who you really are."
"Is saving you from a rapist not enough?" Red hood glared. Not in a mean way though. But obviously dick couldn't see it.
" yea but you know everything about me. My identity, job, Nightwing. And you know Batman's. I think I should get to know your identity for being someone I don't know and yet knows everything about me" Dick reasons with Red Hood. After Red Hood had enough of the annoying boy he finally gave up.
"You really want to know? Cause your not gonna like it." Red Hood clarified once again
"For the millionth time. Just tell me!"
Red Hood took off his mask. To what he thought the raven hair boy was shocked.
"JASON!" Dick screamed wide-eyed
"Told you."
"But you died. It's all my fault. can't be" by the sound of ducks voice it was clear he was about to break down
"Okay don't get to hearty. First it is me. Jason Todd, but not the one you remembered."
"What do you mean?" Dick questioned trying to hold in his tears that were already leaking down his face.
"After I died Ra's Al Ghul took my body. He felt bad after things didn't go as planned, he didn't plan for the joker to ki-..." he paused. Still haunted by the memory he paused, and took a deep breath. "After the joker took my life. Ra's Al Ghul took my body and put it in the lasers pit. He knew it could make him younger but he needed to see if it brang back the dead. And that's how he got his answer. But the pit had some.. side effects." Jason finished, crossing his arms.
Infront of Jason stood Dick crying but smiling that Jason's still alive. With no hesitation he ran up and hugged Jason. Who grew a whole-nother foot than him. When dick hugged Jason it was like all the bad memories of his death were gone. All Bruce said. Gone. For once not only did he love him. But he felt loved. Even if he messed up horribly.
"Im Sorry" Jason said. Hugging back, feeling a few hot tears running down his face.
Dick smiled and hugged him even tighter .
"You Have Noting To Be Sorry For"

Hello Guys!!
First time writing a jaydick story. Not gonna lie its kinda cringy, 😀
628 Words

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