Chapter 3

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Sorry My Chapters are so small! i just have little time and i really do want to publish this! Enjoy!!

Chapter 3

Gray's POV

I kept on covering Natsu's forehead with ice. It wasn't melting so quickly but I was still having to use ice make around every five minutes.

"Come on! Wake up!" I whispered. I felt stupid talking to myself. Or at least me being the only conscious one.

"Mmmm?" The noise broke me out of my thought stream.

"Natsu? Are you awake?" I asked.

"Gray?" The replied rasped back. "Why does my head hurt?"

"Oh, well... you see..." way to go! I sound like an idiot. I cleared my throat: "Your ill. I came to see if you were ok."

"Oh, I bet thats because Mira asked you to come." He gave a small chuckle. How is he still managing to make jokes? He must feel like hell.

"Yeah, something like that." I replied. I looked at him closely for the first time. His forehead was laced with sweat and the front of his hair stuck to it.I also noticed that he hadn't opened his eyes.

"Natsu, why haven't you opened your eyes?" Well I suppose the question was straight to the point.

"Mmm? To tired." He mumbled back. He was slowly losing consciousness.

"Natsu stay awake!" I spoke louder to try and force him awake. But it was to late. He had faded away once again.

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