Chapter 6

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"Natsu? WAKE UP! Come on! Please!" I was shouting. I knew it wasn't going to help but it made me feel better trying. How do I cool him down? My ice keeps melting into water... The stream! Thats it!

I coated myself in ice so Natsu wouldn't burn me and then I lifted the dragon slayer up bridal style. He looks so helpless. This isn't ow Natsu is meant to be. He's meant to be...Happy, Energetic, my Natsu. Hang on MY? No I meant the guild's! Yep the guild's...

I walked out the house into the hot air. It almost burnt. The sun was now setting so at least it would start to cool. As I approached the stream I swung Natsu round and placed him carefully into the cool water. Steam rose immediately.

"Oh my God!" Who's voice was that? Wait, was that mine? It must have been.

"Gray?" There it was again. The steam started to clear and I found myself staring into two onyx eyes...

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