Chapter 1

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“Salem and Wednesday, darlings, how long do you intend on giving us the cold shoulder?” their father had asked them both sitting across from them in the transportation they have to Nevermore. Wednesday looked at them with her stare and looked away talking to the driver. ”Lurch, please remind our parents that I’m no longer speaking to them.” I didn’t want to talk to them since they know how evil I can get and all, but I still talk to them. “Give her some time please mother and father, and please don’t lecture her on this place..I already know we are heading to Nevermore and I already know that when you tell Wednesday this she will just try to escape and not listen to you and not want to follow into your shadow.” I explained to them, I have multiple powers and magic but I am also a monster. My parents and sister are the only ones who know this but not our brother because if he did he’d try to kill me by now with our sister or just try to poison me. ‘I just need to not get emotional or like anger I guess?’ I say to myself. They arrive at the gates to Nevermore and are greeted by this woman that seems fairly in her mid 30’s or early 40’s but Wednesday didn’t care and just looked out the window with a stare to start making a plan to escape the place. Now we are in the principal’s office. Weems talks to us but seems to be terrified or just cautious of us. “Wednesday is certainly a unique name.” Weems says looking at us all. “I’m guessing it was the day you were born?” she questions. “Her and I were born on Friday the 13th and her name comes from mine and mom’s favorite nursery rhyme, “Wednesday’s child is full of woe.” I say to the principal with a respectable tone and a small smile. “What a lovely attitude Salem, your mother has always had a unique perspective on the world, did she ever tell you we were roommates back in the day?” Weems smiled looking at us and started to get up to walk to the door. “Nevermore doesn’t usually accept students mid-term, but given Salem's and Wednesday’s perfect grades and your family’s long history with the school, I’ve spoken with the board and we’ve made an exception.” Weems explains and opens the door from her office to the halls. “This school has a relationship with a therapist in Jericho, they both meet twice a week at the same time since they are twins after all.” Morticia interrupted. “Did you hear my little storm clouds?” I was a bit shy, annoyed, and scared. “ know Wednesday doesn’t like that, I can feel her staring at you with the ‘Oh I will get you for this’ look..and I don’t think she’d be nice about this one this time.” I said to my mother as I hugged her softly and she hugged me back. “I have decided you two will room with Enid Sinclair, in Ophelia Hall.” Morticia gasped and looked around once they got into the room. “Refresh my memory, Ophelia is the one who kills herself after being driven mad by her family, correct?” Wednesday shoots out with her attitude that she has but it was like a smart remark for her I don’t see an interesting tone. Enid looks at her two new roomates and smiled going to them. “Howdy, roomies.” Weems smiled at Enid. “Girls this is Enid, Enid this is Salem and her twin Wednesday. They will be your roomates for the rest of this semester.” “It’s nice to meet you both.” she looks at Wednesday. “Are you feeling okay? You look a little pale.” Enid asked worriedly. I smiled and spoke up. “Wednesday always looks half-dead.” “Oh, welcome to Ophelia Hall.” Enid went to hug Wednesday but she backed up from her. Enid’s tone sadden. “Not a hugger, got it.” I went to hug Enid and got a hug in return. “So you are a hugger, good.” Enid smiled and we let go of the hug. “Please show them around Enid, Salem is safe to mingle on her own, not sure about Wednesday yet, so keep her close so she doesn’t hurt anyone here?” Weems smiled then walked off with their parents to talk to them. Enid went to show them around. 
“Nevermore was founded in 1791, to educate people like us.” Enid starts. “Outcasts, freaks, monsters, and we try to fill in our favorite marginalized group here?” I finish off and smile. “Yep!” Enid smiled. “I don’t plan on staying here for long.” Wednesday states and stares at her sister and the other girl. “And why not sister?” I say to Wednesday. She gives me a death look. “This was our parents idea, oh look there’s our mother smirking at us. They have looked for an excuse to send us here. It’s all part of their nefarious, yet completely obvious plan.” I was kinda tired of what my sister was saying. “Wednesday, enough, honestly they just want you and I to be ourselves and not be in a normal school, to be honest I like it here already.” “Then you can stay and I will still find a way to leave this prison.” Wednesday lashed slightly and just kept her stare. Enid inturrupted. “Rumor’s been swirling around that you killed two kids.” “Actually it was four, but who is counting..?” I look down feeling bad and also scared I would be judged. “Don’t worry there is no judgement here. Welcome to the quad.” Enid says and I look at it, it seems familiar from my dreams. “It’s a pentagon.” My sister and I say in unison. “Salem I am sorry for sounding like a bitch, but Wednesday, the whole snarky Goth girl thing might have worked at your old school, but not here, things are different.” I wasn’t really phased but I kinda agreed in my head with what Enid said. “Let me give you a wiki on nevermore’s social scene.” Enid continues. “I’m not interested in participating in tribal adolescent clichés.” “I am very interested in all of this, also what are those box looking things in everyone’s hands?” I asked confused. Enid looks at me confused. “You mean phones? Have you never had one before?” “Nope, mom thought it was a waste.” I sigh but noticed everyone uses the phones a lot or something. “Anyways,” Enid smiles. “There are many flavors of outcasts here, but the four main cliques are Fangs, Furs, Stoners, and Scales.” As we walk enid points to what group is what and tells us she is a wolf. “Full moons get pretty loud around here. That’s when Furs wolf out. I suggest you guys pick up noise-cancelling headphones.” Enid laughs nervously. “I’m assuming Scales are Sirens?” Wednesday states more then asks as a question. “You catch on quick.” Enid walks a bit and continues to speak. “And that girl,” Enid points to a siren. “Bianca Barclay, is the closest thing Nevermore has to royalty. Although her crown has been slipping lately.” I smart off. “Why did the royal life not like her anymore?” Wednesday smirks a bit at my comment. “Not really, she use to date our resident tortured artist, Xavier Thorpe.” I look at the guy Enid points to that is doing some art on the wall. As I was watching the guy noticed how much I was admiring his art and he smiled at me. I do a small shy wave and get a wave back. I get a sudden jolt when Enid taps me. “But they did break up at the beginning of the semester. Reason is unknown.” “Interesting.” I say. “Facinating.” followed Wednesday. “I know right? My vlog is , like, the number one source for Nevermore gossip.”
I noticed a guy that seems to be a gorgon, so a stoner, and he doesn’t notice me nor my sister. “Yo Enid! You’re not gonna believe the dirt I heard about your roomates. They eat human flesh and one is a monstrous beast and the other chowed down on the kids they murdered. You better watch your back.” My sister started to speak. “Quite the contrary. I actually fillet the bodies of my victoms, then feed them to my menagerie pets.” “And the ‘monsteroust beast’ hurts to hear…I didn’t ask to be born the way I am..” I run off into a hidden spot I found earlier. Enid got upset a bit at what Ajax said. “Ajax, these are my new roomates, Wednesday and her sister that just ran off, Salem.” Ajax looked shocked and like he just got busted with something serious. “You are in black and white, but your sister is dressed up more like Enid and others from around here?” “Ignore him he is a gorgon.” They watch him walk off. “Gorgons spend way too much time getting stoned. He’s cute, but clueless. This is a small school and there really wasn’t anything much on social media about you guys. You should get on Insta, Snapchat, and Tik Tok.” Enid says and gets a glare look. “I find social media to be a soul-suckingvoid of meaningless affirmation.” I was hidden in the darkest corner out in the quad but I thought I was alone until I felt a tap on my shoulder and I look up to see the guy from earlier, making art on the walls. “Hey, are you alright? I seen you running from Enid and the other new student..did that one freak you out?” He was gentle and very sweet to me and I sigh. “That black out goth is my sister Wednesday and I am Salem..but not it was this gorgon. He cold me a monstrous beast.” I look down and remembered what all of those kids said at our old normie school and I started to tear up. “Hey, don’t cry, I bet they are saying that because they hate you are being yourself..I mean, you are safe to be yourself here unless it’s against the rules. I am Xavier by the way.” Xavier smiled and hugged me so I hugged back. “Thanks..I wish my family can help me and calm me down like this but they don’t, and it’s nice to meet you Xavier.” I can feel Bianca’s siren stare and I get up from my spot. “I should find my sister and our roommate, Enid.” “I will walk you you them.” He smiled and I nod softly. We head over to them and our parents are talking to Wednesday, same with Pugsley talking to our sister. ‘Pugsley, you’re soft and weak. You’ll neversurvive without me. I give you two months, tops.” “Gonna miss you and Salem too sis.” Pugsley sees Salem and hugs her wishing her luck and heads into the car. Mother talks to Wednesday and I and hands me a necklace with real blood in a crystal vile and Wednesday gest a ‘M’ ‘W’ necklace for here and mom. I hug her and leave with Xavier to go find Enid. “Looks like your sister found a new friend.” Morticia started but then Wednesday interrupts. “That’s because she is outgoing and isn’t like me with only being alone and she shows feelings which is gross and will come back to haunt, but I do care about dear sister but all I know is if shes gonna get hurt I won’t feel bad.” she didn’t sound upset nor happy or any emotions when she talked. “Wednesday, you and your sister are both two brilliant girls, but sometimes you get in your own way, Salem seems to have fallen in love with this place so I am sure you will grow to love Nevermore, and find it as life-changing as I did.” “I’m not you, mother. I will never fall in love, or be a housewife, or have a family.” Morticia holds a crystal ball and hands it to her daughter. “We can’t talk to guys for the first week while you both are settlingin, so we will call you next Sunday.” The mother then has a cold look and got serious. “Any plans you or your sister have of running away end right now. I’ve alerted all family members to contact me the minute any of you darken their doorstep. You have no where to go.” Wednesday wasn’t phased. “As usual, you underestimate me, Mother. I will escape this educational penitentiary, and you will never hear from me again. As for Salem, she seems to like it here, and wouldn’t have a problem with her.” She walks off after her mother gets into the car.

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