miss preppy princess

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I couldn't stop staring at Rodrick he was so hot now ,I was about to go greet him but the door opened again and stepped in was a preppy girl dressed in a pink skirt and white button up with pink bubble maker "hi I'm Tricia Rodricks girlfriend "

My heart did a back flip,Girlfriend?! He has a girlfriend?! Who wears pink?!what?!my stomach dropped what has the world come to I was angry and sad and emotionally damaged I wanted to cry and scream like a baby, I ran out the room upstairs to my room I can't handle this I can't handle even looking at them I slammed and locked my door I cries softly into the hoodie Rodrick got me at a slipknot concert, he knew I liked him and asked me out ,also  us the couple hoodies mine said he dragged me here and his said she asked me to I cuddled the hoodie thinking it was the only memory of me and Roddy being close and probably the last.

Sorry it's a little short I have school Tommorow and it's 1:24 I need to sleep ill update this Tommorow byyeeeeww

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