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Your eye injury is above

Left off:heading to ER

When we got to the ER I was rushed in by  a panicked rodrick I looked back with my good eye and saw Jessi glaring daggers into my soul ,whatever, I zoned out for a few minutes but when I zoned back in all I heard is "get her to a room stat!"next I know I'm on. A bed being quickly rolled into a room with rodrick on one side and Greg behind the crowd of doctors once we get into the room they put the mask on my face and everything goes dark the last thing I see and feel is rodrick holding my hand and saying "everything's gonna be fine y/n I promise " and then darkness.

129 words
Sorry this one is short I got lazy and I didn't know what to write
Also happy 4th of july!!(that's the time here)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2023 ⏰

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