Scarlet finds red

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| Red POV |

A normal day,

Red was helping blue with making potions and SC, green, and yellow we're watching a movie.

Blue's potion began to burn.

"Hey um red can you grab some nertherwart? I left it near the outside! It's going to mess up everything if you don't get it in time!" Blue said nervously.

Red turned to blue "Ok! Be right back!"

SC watched as red left the building.

SC glared "red?"

"Yes SC..?" Red turned over to SC.

"Where are you going?" SC frowned since he's overprotective.

Red smiled "I'm just going to grab nertherwart silly!"

"Alright just be careful!" SC turned back to the tv.

Red left searching for the chest he couldn't find. Soon found himself looking at a compass. Red walked until he walked into a slightly darker red stick figure that looked exactly like him. Red fell to the floor.

The dark stick figure stared "OH sorry! I should have looked where I was going!"

"No worries! I should have looked!" Red said trying to make a first good impression.

Red realized "Hey who are you and how are you in Alan's pc?"

"Oh me! I'm scarlet and I don't know how I got here..."

Red felt bad "Hey scarlet I have to grab nertherwart but my compass broke so could you help me? I'm sure my friends with help you get home!"

Scarlet grinned "Friends huh."

Red looked at her tilting his head.

"OH I mean't sure here I have some on me!" Scarlet jumped.

"Perfect! Let's go back now! SC is probably worried about me.."

Scarlet mumbled "I want someone to be worried about me.."

Red looked back "huh?"

"NOTHING!" Scarlet screamed.

Red and scarlet went back but scarlet pulled red's arm. Red turned but scarlet had already forced a potion into reds mouth.

"Nightie Night..."

| Scarlet POV |

Scarlet dragged red's motionless body to a cave. There was a whole house. Scarlet put red in some wall type thing that had cuffs for both his arms and legs. Scarlet laughed and locked the door so no one would find him. Scarlet ran over to the CG's house.

Scarlet walked in and SC immediately ran over.




Scarlet smiled "Yes I got nertherwart!"

Scarlet pulled out nertherwart and everyone smiled and hugged her. Scarlet smirked.

Blue pulled Scarlet's arm "Come one let's make the potion!"

"O-oh yeah!" Scarlet acted as if she knew.

| Red POV |

Red woke up all tired half awake half asleep.

"W- WHERE AM I?" Red screamed

Red struggled "SC HELP!"

Red cried his arms cramped and his legs were to close. Red squealed and struggled, he ended up giving up. When he soon realized how he ended up here. Scarlet.

Red couldn't believe it. How could someone do that to him. Red was left staring at his whereabouts. He didn't even know where he was.

How was he going to survive if he couldn't get out?

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