SC realized

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| Scarlet POV |


Scarlet woke up, everyone was in the kitchen waiting for "red" to come and eat with them. Scarlet got up and began to sit down.

"Red I made you favorite!" Blue slid a pancake with a lot of wipcream.

Scarlet hated wipcream.

"Uh... Thanks..." Scarlet slowly ate while the others watched confused.

Blue said "Aye I thought it was your favorite?"

Scarlet laughed "Yeah I was just playing with y'all!" Everyone smiled except SC.

SC knew something was up. So everyone left the room while Scarlet was eating and saw scarlet put the pancakes in a bag.

SC followed Scarlet to a cave. SC knew something was wrong since red was scared of caves since the spider incident. But SC didn't go inside. He would go in while scarlet was distracted by something. But not today. SC went home.

Red got up nearly passed out when he instantly got up and looked at scarlet.

Scarlet smiled "Hey pal I got you pancakes..."

"WHAT THE FUCK I DONT WANT PANCAKES I WANT OUT!" Red screamed even SC heard him.

Scarlet rolled her eyes "Come on got these for you..." Scarlet opened his mouth and put pieces of pancakes inside.

"You know. They were happy to see them. My friends." Scarlet said slowly taking the bag away.

Red realized it was blue's cooking. "MY FRIENDS?!"

Scarlet laughed "You mean mine." Scarlet rolled her fingers across reds cheek giving him a kiss.

"I had a crush on you since day 1 but we will just have a secret relationship.." Scarlet left while laughing.

| Red POV |

Red stood shocked. He felt uncomfortable but let it side. He soon then heard a portal.

The witch.

Red tried to get free noticing the witch enter and walk up to him. Freeing him?


The witch laughed then pushed red over causing a chest with potions to fall over. One splashed on him causing weakness. The witch then took red.

Red couldn't fight back just watch as the witch dragged him back to her house.

| Scarlet POV |

Scarlet went back to the others. As she opened to door the others arms were crossed on the other side.

"H-hey guys..." Scarlet stuttered.

SC walked over "Red... is something wrong with you?"

"What do you mean..." Scarlet smiled.

Green laughed "Dude you haven't been the same. You haven't checked on your farm or play with Ruben."

Blue's head came up "Yeah you didn't even eat my famous pancakes."

"O-OH yeah I just haven't felt well..." Scarlet mumbled.

SC looked back at the others "Oh well. Then why is there a secret base in the cave?"

Scarlet thought. What if they had found red?

"NO ITS NOT WHAT YOU THINK!" Scarlet cried.

The others laughed expect SC "Someone has a secret!"

SC was suspicious. He knew something wasn't right.

He knew it isn't red.

| SC POV |

Once everyone left, Including Scarlet. SC snuck out. He needed to know what "red" was hiding. So he left the house and went on the same path. Which caused him to find the cave.

"This place is cool..." SC was amazed by the look of it.

Red wasn't the type to build these things. SC began to walk up to the mansion. Once he got inside he saw. Nothing.

Just a house. But he was looking at a wall that had cuffs.

"Wait is that red's bff bracelet..?" SC grabbed the bracelet and compared it to his.

ImposterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon