Chapter Three

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The conversation between me and my Professor ended rather quickly after finding out who told him. After I said goodbye I went to the common room, hoping to have a minute alone to thank Draco for his intervention.
Luckily for me, the common room was rather empty and quiet when I walked in, and I quickly spotted the platinum blonde, sitting at one of the tables. He was alone, and I didn't spot the one other boy he's always with. This is a perfect opportunity. I slowly approach where he sits, taking a deep breath before speaking.

I say rather quietly.
He hums out, lifting his head from his book to look at me.
"Oh, hello Rin."
Said Draco when he noticed it was me. A small smile formed on his face. His voice sounding chipper.

"Hi. I just wanted to thank you. For what you did by going to Professor Snape."
I continue, feeling rather awkward might I add. My fingers play with the sleeve of my cloak.
"You don't need to thank me for that. I hate seeing them pick on you."
Replied Draco, as he started moving some of his belongings out of the way.
"Why don't you sit? Join me for a while."
He questioned politely. No, this can't be. Nobody's ever wanted me beside them.
"I-okay, Sure."
I swallow the lump that's now forming in my throat. I pull the wooden chair out from the table and sit down. Placing my books on the table in front of me, and getting my homework out for the afternoon.

For the next few hours, the two of us sit in silence as we both worked on our assignments.

"Draco? It's time for dinner. Are you coming?"
Spoke a new voice from behind me. I didn't have to turn to know it was Blaise, Draco's friend.
"It's that late? Yea, I'm coming."
He answered, closing his textbooks and stacking them neatly in front of him.
"Join us Rin."
Draco said as he pushed his chair out to stand.
"Are you sure? I don't have to you know?"
I couldn't help but ask. This newfound interest is catching me off guard and there isn't anything that he's done that's made me question him, or not trust him. But how will everybody else react? I'd hate myself even more if he ended up getting picked on because of me.
"Yes. Neither of us liked seeing you eat at the end of the table all the time. That changes today okay?"
Draco says proudly. The confidence and pride in which he speaks these words warm my heart in a way I haven't felt.
I say in a whisper, pushing myself up and stacking my books just like Draco did.

The three of us left the common room, walking through the crowds of students until we made it to the Great Hall. We got many looks, mostly me, as we passed through the halls. I never noticed how tall the both of them are until other students moved out of their way as they walked by.
Inside the Great Hall, I followed the boys until they sat down in a front section of the the Slytherin table. Closest to the Professor's table up front. Other kids in our house didn't pay much attention to this, since none of them had a quarrel with me, thankfully. I felt many pairs of eyes from the other houses on me as they watched the three of us eat and hold small conversation.
Even Professor Snape and McGonagall couldn't help but glance in our direction, both seemingly happy. Once the three of us were done, we stood, walking towards the same doors we entered in.

"She's got friends now?"
"What are those two doing with that loser?"
"They have to be getting something from her to suddenly want her around."

Were some of the many comments I gathered as we passed by the Gryffindor table. All of a sudden, I felt a hand on my lower back as we approached the exit. I looked up to find Draco smiling down at me.
This gesture made me feel wanted. I know deep down I shouldn't be jumping the gun and getting ahead of myself. Like that student said, they might be doing this for their own benefit, and not because they actually want to help me. I dropped my head rather fast, glancing down at the stone floor beneath us. I stayed like that until we made it to the common rooms again.
The pair sat down at the table from before, getting back to their studies. Instead of sitting, I started collecting my belongings to head up to my room.

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