Chapter Six

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A week has gone by and things are going as smoothly as ever. The boys wait for me every morning at the entrance to the dorm rooms hallway. And we share each meal with each other, as well as studying at our table at the end of the day.

Just like the past couple of days, classes have been coming and going quickly, passing by in a blur like state. The only thing that makes today different, is that Blaise and Draco were called to the Headmasters office. They said they'd join me as soon as possible. I know that they'll feel uneasy until they're back at my side again but, we can't argue against the Headmaster. I have trust that nothing will go wrong as I head to our last class of the day.

I ended up leaving a few minutes late after speaking with Professor McGonagall. Before I left, she handed me a piece of parchment to give to Snape if I arrive past the last bell.

As I made my way through the corridors, the only thing to be heard were my steps as I jogged to my final class. Making an attempt to make it before the final bell.

The last thing I saw were the stairs that lead to the basement level before being harshly yanked inside an empty classroom. My books went flying across the hard tile as my body came in contact with the ground. If there was anything beneath us, the thud of my body colliding to the floor would alert someone, but there's nothing there.

Im alone.
And screwed.

A heavy weight sat on top of me, causing my face to be mushed into the stone. Something hard like bone, painfully crushing my hands into the floor. The pressure, has me caged. I can't move.
Whoever my attacker is, thought this through well. Finding a room that's out of use, let alone finding one of the only rooms that aren't close enough for anybody to hear in case of a struggle, and finally, having me pinned so quickly that there was no time to struggle..

Suddenly, a sharp and rather excruciating sensation comes over me. It takes me a second to understand what's happening. And when I realized it, my chest tightened, panic flooding over me like a wave on the coast.

Talon like nails, clawing at my face. Tearing away my patch. I can feel every scar being torn open again. The ones from the last incident being ripped open first, causing a warm liquid to spill over my cheek bone and down my chin.

Blood. This isn't good. There's so much.

I try to wiggle, to kick my legs, do something to incapacitate my assaulter. Anything to allow me visibility to their face, so I can make sure they pay.
Whoever it is, has such a tight hold with just their lower body strength shows how strong they are.
A faint snap comes from the back of my head as the elastic is once again broken. I thought once they got it off, they'd run, leaving me humiliated and bloody, but no. Their hand comes back and claws at the already shredded and tender skin.

I grit my teeth as I wait for this to end. Eventually, my face goes numb from the shock of the pain, and the body who's been slowly suffocating me, stands. Allowing me to inhale deeply, to bring in as much air as I can. Even though my hands feel like they've been broken, I force myself up, turning as fast as possible to see their face.

I push myself to run to the light switch. My wand scattered alongside my books or else I'd use lumos. But unfortunately for me, they vanished by the time I took my first step forward.

My eye, now swollen shut. I use my hair to cover up that half of my face until I'm able to get away, out of the view of people. I want to be alone when I see the damage. As much as I've come to feel safe around my new friends, I always feel that one day might be too much. And if my face is as bad as I suspect, today might be that day.

Quickly, I scamper around the dark room to find my books and wand. Once found, I slip out, making my way to the common room. At this time, everyone's still in class, I'll be able to disappear to my room without suspicion.

I hold my books close to my chest, using them to catch the heavy flowing blood until I make it to my room.

The door shuts silently behind me as I turn the knob the right way to keep it from making any noise, locking it as soon as it's secure. My good eye is shut as I pull my hair into a low pony. I laugh quietly at myself for feeling nervous in the comfort of my own room.

My heart drops into my gut as I take in the sight before me.
The closest thing I can compare my face to is a cutting board. The new gashes criss-crossing over the old, reopened scars. The bruising hasn't begun, but it'll appear by morning, that much is certain. As my body and mind are still in shock, I feel no pain. I allow myself a look at my hands. My knuckles are different shades of reds and purples, still unsure if they've been broken or not, but I know the damage is just as bad to them, as is to my face.

I didn't realize how much time has passed as I've been cleaning my wounds. Right as I'm about to bandage everything up, my bedroom door flies open. My body turns reluctantly to see who may be trying to hurt me, glazing over the thought that my attacker may be back for me. My breath hitched when I took in their faces.

The heartbreak, and guilt is evident.
I'll never forget the expressions..

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