Chapter Five

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"To apologize."
He spoke, his hand coming up and rubbing the back of his head.
"Ha. Like I'd ever accept that from you."
I scoff, laughing in his face.

The things I'd heard him tell him friends, will never be forgiven. None of the things people have put me through over these years will ever be forgotten, let alone forgiven.

"Rin, please. I'm trying to be an adult about this."
He continues.
"No. You're only doing this to make yourself feel better. You could care less about how I actually feel."
I reply back, seeing this behavior before.

I turn on my heel to walk away, my hair falling towards my back and off my shoulder as I turned.

"Rin. I truly am sorry. Seeing how things have changed since, well, you know, it made me realize I really do like you. Like how I should of to begin with."
Continues the boy.

I come to a halt in the middle of the empty corridor. I breathe in deeply before turning around to face him. My feet carry me back to where I left him. Without a second thought, my hand comes up, coming into contact with his cheek. His skin turning bright red from the impact.
Before he's left a chance to speak again, I leave. Heading right on to my room. He can deal with walking around with that mark. Rightfully deserved, if you ask me.

The next morning, I find myself waiting on Blaise and Draco, rather than the other way around. The common room seems rather busy compared to most mornings, and everyone seems much more talkative than the shut down, I just woke up, leave me alone behavior that's displayed everyday.

"Good morning."
Spoke the pair in unison as they appeared suddenly from around the corner, both smiling rather gleefully.
"Good morning."
I reply back, their emotions fueling mine, letting me mimic and smile just like them.
As we started our approach to the Great Hall for breakfast, the students seems rather riled up, and unfortunately, the stares have picked up again. I wonder what that's all about.
Once the three of us have settled in, and began to eat, the truth behind everyone's odd behavior was revealed to me.

"Was it true that you slapped Ezra last night?"
Draco questioned, after swallowing a mouthful of orange juice.
"Is that what all the talk is about this morning?"
I ask, shrugging it all off.
"Oh yea. It spread quickly overnight."
Said Blaise, glancing at me now.
"They're saying that you did it because he tried kissing you since you're still together."
Explained Draco.
I asked, my chest burning as I try to control my anger.
"We know it's not true but that's some speculation."
Said Blaise, placing a gentle hand on my shoulder.
"Oh well. Let them think what they want. I'm over all of it. I don't care anymore."
I shrugged, taking a bite of my buttered toast.
"That's our girl."
They said together, wrapping their arms around my shoulders and back. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at my friends very mushy display of affection.

The rest of the day went by as it did this morning. The stares, did not die down. I'd heard many comments as I walked the halls, showing me that some kids are rather frightened. It wasn't until last period that I was confronted outright about the rumor.
I sat down at my table as usual, now accompanied by Draco and Blaise, when a Gryffindor student approached us.

"Is it true?"
Asked the boy. When I turned to see who it was I recognized him as Ron, one of Harry's friends.
I asked back.
"That you hit him because he tried kissing you."
Continued the red head.
"No. I did it because he thinks a half assed apology, on top of trying to get back together with me is enough to get on my good graces."
I explained, throwing my hand to the side.
"I told you. She only would of done it for a good reason."
He exclaimed, turning back to his two friends who are now awkwardly smiling at my table.

By now, Professor Snape was writing things on the black board. I turned forward to begin todays lesson. As the hour dragged on, the Gryffindor trio behind us, tried holding conversations with us anytime our Professor wasn't looking.

Asked the fluffy haired brunette, known as Hermione.
I hummed, turning my head to listen to what she has to say.
"I just want you to know that we're on your side. Ezra can be a total ass. He deserves what he got."
Said Hermione.

Harry and his two friends were never mean, we never talked for that matter. I'm rather surprised.

I whisper quickly when I notice Professor Snape approaching.

As I silently worked on my potion, Snape stood behind me, curiously watching as I added what ingredients I needed. When he seemed satisfied enough, he moved on to Draco, and then to Blaise. Before leaving our table, he turned to me.

"A moment after class if you don't mind Rin."
He commented, turning around and heading off before I could acknowledge his request.

The rest of the hour finished, and as I stacked my books, waiting for the other students to leave, I caught my Professor watching me.

"We'll wait for you outside, okay Rin?"
Commented Draco, patting me on the shoulder before departing with Blaise.

I walked up to Professor Snape's desk once the door closed behind the last student. He folded his arms and leaned back in his chair, titling his head up to look at me.

"Are you alright?"
He asked cautiously. His dark eyes staring at mine, as if he's trying to detect a lie.
"I'm good."
I answer back honestly.

Even with the misinformation going around the campus, I couldn't be better. People don't physically pick on me anymore, let alone try to comment anything as I pass by them in the halls. And I have two great friends.

His expression relaxed, the v that was visible between his brows faded, leaving a smooth spot, all signs of worry, gone.

"I'd been wanting to speak to you during the day but things prevented that from happening. With the rumors about the situation last night, I was...worried."
He explained, the last sentience coming out through hesitated gaps.

He was worried? About me?

"I didn't realize what was going on until Draco mentioned it this morning. I don't really care."
I say, watching as his body language shifts from tense to calm.

"I don't understand. You're a good person, why pick on you?"
Questions Professor Snape, more to himself than me. Knowing that's a question I don't have the answers too.

He cocks his head to the side, looking at me through the few pieces of hair that fall over his face. I turned my face away rather quickly, feeling heat rising up my neck and into my cheeks.
I could of swore I heard the faintest laugh come from him at my pathetic attempt to hide my blush. Before anybody has a chance to say anything, I turn on my heel and collect my books, swiping them from the table.

I heard him call after me as I passed through the door way.

Draco and Blaise didn't suspect anything off about the way I exited the room. I don't think they even heard Professor Snape call after me since the two were discussing homework.

"That was quick."
Said Blaise when he realized I came up next to them.
"Oh yes, he just wanted to ask about last night, that's all."
I answered back, keeping my tone even.

"That's kind of him. He's always been rather nice."
Replies Blaise.
"Let's get some studies in before dinner, that sound good?"
Comments Draco, a small smile forming at the corners of his lips.
After replying, the three of us head to our common room, sitting at what's known now, as our table. Taking turns helping each other with different things. Enjoying the peaceful atmosphere, listening to someone as they started a fire.

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