Pikachu Valley

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This time our two inseparable friends had a specific destination, but it didn't concern a stage of the Tour of the Islands.

- We should be almost there, how nice, I can't wait! Lucinda exclaimed excitedly.

- You had a great idea to consult the map, so we could find out that there is a place called 

Pikachu Valley. - said the coach. - I'm curious too, seeing so many Pikachu all together must be a rare event. -

- Pikachu! - emitted the enthusiastic yellow Pokémon from the trainer's shoulder.

- You can't wait too, huh, Pikachu? - Ash asked him rhetorically.

- Pikaa! -

- Pika pikaa! -

The two stopped as soon as they heard the verses.

- It's the Pikachu! - exclaimed the coordinator smiling and then ran.

The boy smiled too and after a few seconds he followed her.


- How beautiful this place is. - Dawn commented fascinated, looking around.

- Yes, the house of the Pikachu who live here is a very welcoming place, isn't it, Pikachu? -

The girl had let Piplup out of the PokéBall since she knew how much she wanted to see Pikachu Valley. The Pokémon had approached the only roulette wheel in the area and since the door was open he had peeked inside.

- Pikaa! - exclaimed an enthusiastic Pikachu throwing his paws in the air.

He exited the roulette wheel shortly after and Piplup stared after him.

- Pikaa! - exclaimed another Pikachu behaving exactly like the previous one.

As he went out the Penguin Pokémon followed him with a surprised look.

- Pikaa! -

- Pipla? - emitted the confused Piplup following the umpteenth Pikachu with his gaze.

- Pikaa! -

- Pipla? -

- Pikaa! -

This time Piplup gave up following him with his eyes and rolled eyes in confusion. Meanwhile, three other Pikachu came out of the wheel.Dawn went to her Pokémon's rescue and picked it up. The poor guy was knocked out by confusion.

- Poor Piplup, but how many Pikachu are there in that roulette wheel? Or rather, whose is it? - she wondered, looking slightly worried at the Pokémon.

- It's mine! - someone exclaimed.

The two immediately looked in the direction of the voice and discovered it was a black girl.- Sorry I didn't introduce myself earlier, my name is Roxy. he added, stopping in front of them.

- Nice to meet you Roxy, we are Dawn and Ash. - introduced the coordinator smiling.

- We're doing the Tour of the Islands, are you a coach? - the coach asked her.

- I was once. - he answered and then shifted his gaze to the roulette wheel. - Now I've settled here and live among the Pikachu. -

The two friends seemed truly enchanted by Roxy's words. Especially since her tone of voice made every sentence sound like a fairy tale.

- Are all the Pikachu in the roulette yours? - Dawn asked.

- Oh no, they're my friends, but, they're not part of my team. -

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