Ch 1: New Comers

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A flash of light illuminated the hallway as the doors opened. Three figures walked towards their individual lockers.
"I TOLD you,I'm not ginger,I'm strawberry blonde dammit!" A girl with long hair and a tall figure retorted to the significantly shorter girl next to her. This seemed like an act of bullying at first glance, as the shorter girl's cocky glare wasn't helping.
"That's the fifth time you've said that. You don't need to keep defending yourself." The short girl with a fiery attitude and interesting hair choice rolled her eyes in annoyance,leaning against her locker.
"Will you two stop being so fucking annoying?, it's 8 in the fucking morning!" A tall boy responded,seemingly more annoyed then the girls.
"Oh fuck off,Mason,literally no one asked for your opinion, you knockoff Ken doll" The short girl responded with a fiery tone,glaring daggers into the much taller blonde boy. While all this was occurring, three other students were watching this happen. Octavia Lovelock, Allison Wilhelm, and Markus Stuart. These three had quite the reputation in St.Becks', as the most promising (and rich,might i add) students in the academy. Both the girls were on the cheer team, and Markus, who was always cheered for, was on the football team.Each one of them shone brightest at a specific activity that contributed to the academy.For example,Allison exeeded at cheerleading and most forms of  acrobatics,Markus shone brightest in athletics and coding.And then there was Octavia.She undoubtedly exceeded far further than her peers.She participated in the debate club as head,was granted the title of a writing prodigy of sorts for the school,and was a proud member of the school council.She truly shone brighter than the sun itself in academics.This,however,immensely conflicted the new group.It wasn't just the 'golden trio' but rather the entire school.Even the size of the building was alien to them.Incomprehensible,really.You see,the new comers who answered to Ronnit Anderson,Gina Lewis,and Mason Southern, weren't as fortunate as everyone else who resided in the school.They didn't have rich parents,permanent families,or even a legitimate place to proudly call home.This was almost insulting,as if the world itself was mocking them for their circumstances. All they had was each other, and in a way, that was enough. Still,they couldn't help but feel immense waves of anxiety as they looked at their surroundings.Ronnit immediately came to a conclusion.
"Guys,listen carefully,that means you,Mason.Don't.Trust.Anyone.I'd bet my life savings that everyone here is a selfish,narcissistic, prick."
"You came to that conclusion quickly,huh?"Mason raised a brow.
"Can you blame me?,no one here has a goddamn clue as to what's outside of that prissy rich life like we do.We're only here because of that stupid fucking test."
It was true.All three of them weren't there because they were ACTUALLY wanted there,they were chosen by a test hosted by the academy.The test only occurred every ten years or so,and all three of them were forced into participation by there guardians due to either gain money or gain reputation.And,as evident by the fact they were standing in this greatly respected academy,they passed.And so,here they were.Everyone in the school was aware that three new students would be attending the school,including the 'golden trio'.Ronnit opened her locker and slammed her equipment in the undecorated space,unbothered by any stares from other students.She slammed the locker shut only to be greeted with two friendly faces and one completely uninterested face.
"Hi! It is my pleasure to introduce you to St.Beck's Academy.My name is Octavia Lovelock, and I hope we can get along!".Octavia held out a hand for Ronnit to shake,only to be completely denied with a scowl.
"Well then,'friend',we aren't here to play house like the rest of you,we don't need or want your friendshi-"
"Hey now,let's not speak too quickly here." Mason cut off Ronnit halfway through her insult,gaining a glare from his friend.Mason proceeded to walk over rather quickly to Markus,filing his nails.
"Why, hello, you must be the golden boy, I didn't expect you to be THIS attractive." Mason said, giving a wink to the deeply confused and rather flustered Markus.
"Oh,calm yourself already,Mason.We've just got here, and you're already flirting with some guy you barely know."
"It's called love,Gina.Not my fault you're so basic you can't get any bitches" Mason replied with a sarcastic tone,standing to Markus' side with his hands on both shoulders.Markus incredibly confused as to what was happening.
"Hey! That's not -"
"Well, that was uncalled for,Don't you think? There's no need to be so cruel to your friend,Mason, was it?." Allison perked up,leaning forwards slightly and using a scolding tone towards the unbothered Mason.
"Uh, she's my friend.This is the usual." Mason gave an annoyed expression.
"Clearly,you need to work on being a more respectable friend than a stubborn child." This left both Gina and Mason stunned,though for completely different reasons.Before Ronnit could beat Allison's ass,Octavia interuppted.
"Right,no need to get hostile,especially on their first day,Allison.Lets just... agree to disagree! Yes,let's just apologise and get on with our learning journey as equals."
Octavia smiled reassuringly.
With a sigh,Allison looked up at Mason and gave a heartfelt apology.Mason,however, gave a look of resentment and insult,letting go of Markus and walking away without saying a word.
"I didn't need your help. He was just joking around." Gina muttered, looking down at the floor and then at Ronnit, as if asking to leave. Ronnit, understanding this gesture, turned around, dragging Gina with her to the opposite side of the hall where Mason stood. Before leaving,Ronnit didn't hesitate to stare directly at the two girls with the most menacing glare she could muster.Overall,an interesting start to their first day there.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2023 ⏰

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