" Guess Who's Back "

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((the title's slim shady fr fr /j

Also there's a flirty Simpbur involved in this chapter. Be aware😍))

,,No One's POV,,

Simpbur was back in school. He entered the building at 6:17 AM and saw a bunch of students scattered around. When he entered, everyone started whispering and chatting.
He didn't mind and ignored it. He'd like he was famous now.

He walked into class. The teacher on the computer, waiting for the bell to ring, students scattered, some standing some sitting, and a Revivedbur and Argbur talking.

He went up to Arg and Rev.
' ' Hey, guys. ' ' Simpbur said, doing a little wave.

Rev was surprised, ' ' Oh, Simp! ' ' He chuckled and gave him a hug. He soon let go after a few seconds and Simpbur turned to Arg.

' ' Hi, Arg! ' ' Simpbur smiled at him as Arg was glad he was here, but didn't smile back.

' ' Hey, Sunshine. ' ' Arg replied, then Simpbur opened his arms for a hug, but Argbur immediately backed away as he was coming closer.

' ' Not a hugger, got it.. ' ' Simpbur said and put his arms to his side.

The bell rang and everyone sat in their seats.
Rev was in the back sitting next to Tommy, on his left, and Ghostbur, on his right. Simpbur sat next to Argbur near the middle to the right.

A few hours passed, the next class to the next, and the next, and the next. Simpbur grabbed sticky notes and folded them up passing them to Argbur.

" I'm gonna see u reaaaal soon ;) "

The notes repeated as Argbur got more skeptical of Simpbur everytime. They always ended with a winky face, and when he looked up to Simpbur as he passed the note, all he did was smile.

•| imagine time skip |•

It was finally break time/lunch time and Arg and Simp were at their lockers.
Simpbur came up to Arg and closed his locker getting Arg's attention.

' ' Heya, handsome~ ' ' Simp says with a smirk and looking up to Arg.

' ' Uh- Erm- ' ' Arg stuttered, but didn't know how it would come out.

' ' I'll see you after school, hottie. ' ' Simp says and walking away to class as the bell rang.

Argbur stood there, frozen. And not in the mental way. He was shocked and surprised that Simpbur just... flirted with him?
He shook his head and walked to class.

•| time skip cuz I'm lazy as FU-- |•

It was now 2:16 PM and mostly everyone was scattered around the school.
Arg and Simp walked out of the school building as they turned to each other.

' ' I'll see you soon, sexy~ ' ' Simp says and kisses Arg on the cheek walking away to his house.

Argbur stood there, shocked FOR REAL now. He stood there for a few minutes then turned to the bench by the school entrance and sat, surprised.
A few minutes passed and he decided to go home.


He entered his house and sat on the couch turning on the TV.
A few hours passed and a knock on the door began. He got up and opened the door, it being Simpbur...

' ' Hey, Arg~ ' ' Simpbur smirked as he saw Argbur.

' ' Shit, he's at my door. What does he want? What does he need? Ugh, okay. I'll just make this real quick then go back to what I was doing.. ' ' Arg thought, then replied to Simp with a confused tone and face.

' ' ...What do you need? ' ' He answered. Simpbur came in and kicked the door behind him closed.

' ' ..Uh, S-Simp..? ' ' Arg stuttered and walked back as Simpbur walked forward to him and pinned him to a wall. ' ' S-Simpbur..? ' '

Simpbur licked his lips and smirked.

' ' Hope you're gonna have fun~ ' '


wonder what's gonna happen in the next chapter🤔

626 words

(QUIT) // " Notice Me! " || Simpbur X Argbur || Highschool AUOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora