" Argnapped and Moneynapped "

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((HOW LONG HAVE I BEEN GONE?!?! I fell through my bathroom floor to the backrooms but I woke up and I'm here now. Woke up? WøK3 vP..?
But I'm back! And I'm here to continue this and FINALLY end it with maybe a sad ending that makes you cry over fictional gay characters that stalk woman. Sideyes simpbur👀

BUT HEY! I won't make you wait. So, here ya are my lovelies. jk u dont have a dad L
ALSO my typing might look different bc I forgor how to write wattpads))


'' S-Simp..!? " Arg yelped and pushed him off.

'' Whaaaat??~ " Simp said and fell back as Arg tried to unlock the door.
Simp grabbed him by the waist and covered his mouth as Arg was stuck in his grasp

Arg tried to scream, but it was muffled.
He kicked Simp in his knees as they fell back. Arg quickly got up, but Simp grasped his leg and dragged him back to the ground making it more easy for him to suffocate him and make Arg faint.
Arg's vision started going dark as he was slowly and slowly starting to faint.

Suddenly, a knock on the door was heard.
'' Hey, Arg? You there? '' Revivedbur said on the other side of the door.
Simp grabbed his pocket knife and held it up to Arg's neck and whispered, '' Tell him everything's fine or I'll throw your head in a boiler.. ''
He uncovered Arg's mouth as he spoke,
'' U-Uhm, y-yeah.. I'm fine.. Y-You can go... '' Arg spoke stuttering and scared, Revivedbur was skeptical, but responded
'' Okay.. If you need anything I'll be with Tom's and Ghost.. ''
His footsteps retreated back and faded.

Simp put his hand back on Arg's mouth and dragged him to his backpack as Arg strangled to get out of Simp's hand grasp.

Simp pulled out a white cloth and put it over Arg's mouth as he fainted

•| time skips? nah... |•

Arg woke up in a dark room with no windows, there was a mattress he was laying on and a door with a lock in front of him.
He walked up to it and touched the lock to see what kind it was. He was an expert at locks and he could possibly open it, he checked his pockets, but Simp must've emptied them when he fainted.

'' Shit.. '' He whispered underneath his breath. The door was unlocking on the other side and opening as Argbur stepped back. Simp opened it as he stood there like the pink menace he is.

'' Ah, you're awake! '' He said looking at Arg.
'' The hell you want from me..? '' Arg responded nervously.
Simp stepped forward, '' Nevermind that for now.. Say, you must be hungry! '' He responded and handed Arg and apple.

There was 2 things that could happen, if he didn't take it Simp would possibly eat it himself, or if he didn't take it, he would get pissed and force him to eat it.
Arg seemed to not have a choice, he was starving anyway. He took a bite out the apple as Simp handed it to him.

'' So, Mr. Fakier, what was that again? You like someone else? Someone that's not me, in it? '' Simp said, looking menacingly at Arg.
'' You have that right, now that you kidnapped me, we might not even be friends.. '' Arg responded, almost finishing the apple.

'' Awww, that makes me saaad~ LUCKILY, I'll keep you here forever until you admit you love me! '' Simpbur said as Arg almost chocked when he said that, shocked.

'' You'll WHAT? '' Arg yelled dropping the finish apple in the trashcan that was in the corner of the dark room.

'' YEP! So, unless you say you love me, you'll be here forever until your body slowly rots to death. Or maybe not, once in a while I'll feed you. Maybe. '' Simp responded.

(QUIT) // " Notice Me! " || Simpbur X Argbur || Highschool AUDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora