For My future self

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Another year had passed, and I feel like I'm still the same... I am the same person... I just don't like admitting it. I hope this year is better.  I still feel alone. I still feel like everything, and everyone is still isolated from each other. These past semesters feel like yesterday, yet I can't remember anything. I thought that something will stay with me and help me carry on to this year, but it seems like that won't be the case. I wonder what everyone is doing right now. What are those so-called friends doing? Will I see them again this semester? Will they still recognize me? Will I recognize them? Even if we don't, we can get to know each other again. Start from zero. right?

Well, that is what a year is. The earth spins around the sun and gets back in position to start again. You're right, you won't be able to live every year to the fullest, but we still have to live it. try our best to live, learn, and love. Otherwise, there is no real point in life, is there? we'll get there little by little. We just have to keep pushing a little bit more. So far, we have only just been doing enough to get by. We can and have to do much more if we want to live life. We're not here to watch our life pass by us. No. we're here to live life to the maximum. One day you'll look back and some memories will make you smile, some will make you cry, some you'll want to tell others, and some you'll want to keep to yourself. That's what life should be about. Not about cause trouble for others, hurting, or just suffering for nothing. Every bit of life should have a meaning. Your thoughts have a meaning, your very existence has a meaning. And if you don't think you have one, then find it. Make one if you need to. However, remember that others have meaning too. That you got to help others even if they don't help you. So promise me that this year... let's not just dream... let's stay up at night and make those dreams come true.

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