TWENTY: Attack On O'Khasis

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Kawaii-Chan's POV:

Spitting up blood, I groaned in pain as I rolled over onto my stomach and lifted my head up, hearing muffled screams and cries around me followed by shouting.

Forcing my eyes open, I looked around seeing fire and rubble everywhere and the blurry vision of O'Khasis guards charging the rebels who had done this.

I felt something trickling down my head as I looked around, my vision and hearing clearing as I started searching for any sign of Emmalyn and Zane.

Zane was at my side and now he's not and I can't seem to find Emmalyn, worry flooded me as I heard footsteps running towards me but I couldn't look over.

A hand was placed on my back and I looked over to see Zane leaning down towards me with a worried look, blood trickling down his face from a cut on his cheek.

Grunting out in pain, I grabbed his arms and he lifted me up off the ground, grabbing my face softly and moving it around to look over as the realization started setting in.

Lifting my hand up slowly, I pressed it to my forehead and felt something on my hand as I pulled it back to see blood coating my finger tips and I looked up at Zane again.

"You're okay, oh thank irene you're okay" He whispered and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me tight against him for a mooment before pulling back.

"Are you okay?" I looked up at him and reached up, running my fingers over the cut but he nodded his head and we both heard more screaming and shouting.

I looked down to see my dress was ripped so I did the only logical thing and ripped it off leaving me in the top of it with my white leggings and the heels I had on.

Looking over my shoulder, I seen rebels charging the guards and heard them shouting as Zane grabbed my arms and I looked back over at him to see a worried look on his face.

"I need to find my mother," I nodded my head quickly and he looked down at me for a moment before kissing my head carefully. "Stay nearby please. I can't focus if I don't know where you are" He whispered, I nodded my head and he ran off.

Looking over, I started searching for Emmalyn in the rubble and stumbled towards the fire, hitting the ground I groaned in pain and reached out placing my hand in it.

The flames shot through my veins and I instantly felt better as I sucked in a breath and instantly felt my strength coming back as I pushed myself back up.

Looking over, I spotted blonde hair sticking out nearby and heard shouting, I realized it was coming from Emmalyn and ran towards her with a relieved breath.

"Emmalyn!" I shouted, I seen her move slightly and a sob of relief escaped her.

"Kawaii-Chan! Thank irene!" She shouted as I pressed my hands into the rubble and it turned to nothing more but dust and I helped her up off the ground.

"Emmalyn, I need you to run and use this," I pulled out the whistle and shoved it into her hands. "It'll alert Raven who will then start alerting Garroth and Laurance" I said, she nodded her head.

"Got it" She said and I watched her as she started running around, I looked over to see Zane lifting his mother up and checking her over with his sword in his hand.

Rebels ran at him and he sliced through them like they were nothing and looked over at me, I turned around and seen 2 kids hugging each other tightly as rebels ran at them.

Sprinting towards them, I jumped over the rubble and swung my fist down into the ground watching it split open in front of me and the rebels fell into it.

Zane⁓Chan: The High Priest's Love: REWRITTENWhere stories live. Discover now