The Beast Outside

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"Yes, mother. I'm okay."

I lied.

I was the opposite of okay.

Okay left the chat several hours ago, and sanity is probably seriously considering doing the same. My mother, a kind looking middle aged woman, sat in the recliner to the right of my bed, seeming concerned, for all the right and wrong reasons, probably trying to analyze me right now.

Have you ever had a human, wolf hybrid version of yourself to talk to as your only means of having something to do? If no, consider yourself lucky. But that's only the beginning of it! Turns out, according myself apparently! That I'm a werewolf after my recent attack and I get an awesome imaginary friend to boot! Totally fine!

"You...don't look exactly okay, dear," mom responded, adjusting herself in the recliner to sit up more. She flicked her head to fling her hair out of her face and sighed. "You've been making great progress in healing. The doctors said that-"

"Ugh...I know what they said, mom. They're only in and out of here a million times a day to poke me with needles," I sighed as well. "I'm going to look like a drug addict as soon as I'm out of here," I groaned, looking at my arms with numerous pricks where they'd stuck me with their needles. Disgusting.

"You shouldn't be here for much longer, so at least there's that. You'll get to come home," mom smiled. She reached over to gently hold onto my arm and gave me a soft smile. A smile I wished I could return.

"And deal with you and dad arguing," I muttered, turning my head away. "He's always gone. But when he's home, all you two do is fight..."

Mom withdrew her arm and was silent for a moment, probably to contemlate her next words. I just looked out of the window through the blinds.

Today was a gloomy day, the skies mostly cloudly. Fall was on its way, with chillier weather and less green in the trees, a reminder that winter would soon follow. Not to mention school having started already, however, I've missed the first days being stuck in the hospital. Way to end off summer break.

I watched cars come and go from the parking lot, people going on about their lives as normal. If what wolf me tells me is true...then how is my life going to change? Just sneak out every full moon? How would I explain that if I were caught?

I turned my head back to look back at my mother who seemed to be just twiddling her thumbs. In hindsight...I didn't mean to be so short with her. She doesn't deserve that.

'She loves you, you know,' said my new wolf friend in my head. Oh yeah. We can talk telepathically and she can show up when she pleases, but only I can see her. A true, invisible friend. Though I don't exactly consider her a friend just yet. No offense.

'None taken.'

I sighed heavily.

"Mom, I'm sorry I know? Would have been nice to see both of my parents after a near death experience..."

Mom nodded.

"I know, Jamie. I know. I just wish he'd make more time for us. Heck, I'm his wife and I don't even know what he's getting into when he's working. He's so...secretive. That only makes it harder."

I wasn't sure what to say back and simply offered a shrug as a response. Seems it was my turn to fiddle my fingers.

"I'm glad you're getting better, Jamie. I really thought I'd lost you."

"Thanks, mom."

I heard the recliner squeak a bit from her standing and soon her arms wrapped around me. I couldn't feel any more guilty. She goes great lengths for me, yet forgets sometimes to watch out for herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2023 ⏰

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