💙New Years Fireworks💙 - Fluff

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It was new years eve and Hawks was flying around on his usual patrol doing his job as a pro hero and stopping some petty thieves and criminals every now and then.

But despite it being a seemingly normal day he felt quite down. As if he felt saddened or lonely or disappointed.

He probably just felt sad he had no one to celebrate the new year with. But he shrugged it off in the air as this is how it has always been.

While Hawks was shoving his emotions to the side Dabi on the other hand letting his show and he was quite pissed.

Hawks wasn't answering his phone and Dabi wanted to ask if Hawks wanted to go to a festival for new years with him.

But unless Hawks picked up his phone he would never know.

It was only until Hawks finished his patrol at 5pm did he check his phone...

He deadpanned.

So. Many. Notifications.

He couldn't even read through all the messages and missed calls when Dabicalked again and Hawks picked up quickly.

"FINALLY." Hawks heard the very loud Dabi scream.

"Where have you been. Oh my God. All day- nevermind. Do you want to go to the new years festival with me?" Dabi's voice became slightly softer as he asked.

Hawks just stood where he was and didn't respond. Dabi had to call his name multiple times for him to come back to reality and answer.

"Oh.. ah yeh sure see you there in a hour?"

Dabi agreed and they hung up.

Hawks didnt know how to feel but he felt very happy so he flew back to his home to get his plain kimono to wear to the festival.

He arrived a couple of minutes early and stood waiting near the entrance for Dabi.

Eventually a figure in a black hoodie and sweat pants approached him and they walked together inside.

"Got all dressed up hm?" Dabi teased with a soft smirk on his face.

He had only ever really seen Hawks in his Hero costume so this is a pleasant surprise as he thought Hawks looked pretty, especially under the over head lamps.

"Don't tease. It's just... I didn't want to wear my Hero costume or normal cloths if I had this." Hawks replied and continued walking.

The two walked around to some stalls and got some snacks to bring with them.

There was very little talk among them. Hawks was worrying a bit because he was wondering what Dabi thought of what he was wearing and if someone would recognise him.

Dabi was just starstruck and in awe at what Hawks was wearing.

"Do you wanna go to and fish out ballons?" Dabi asked pointing to where the stall was.

"Sure." Hawks answered and they walked over, paid the nice old lady running the stall and began fishing.

"You are some very nice young men. You remind me of someone..." The old lady said to make small talk but those words made a pit in Hawks' stomach.

Did she recognise him?

"Probably just my grandson. Are you guys here as friends or on a new years date? Haha." The old lady continued which filled the pit in Hawks' stomach but then both him and Dabi blushed at the last part.

"Well I guess you could say that we are friends..." Hawks replied slowly.

"Well you would be perfect for eachother even if you two weren't dating but I won't force a confession if one of you plan it hehe." The old lady continued.

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