💙Is It Valentines?💙 - fluff

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It was middle of February, the 14th to be exact, and he was on his daily patrol around the city when he got a message from someone.

Apart from his daily patrol he also had a side mission that he was doing undercover.

This time he had to deliver important information from the Hero Commission to Dabi, one of the League of Villians strongest villians, and he finally got the meeting place so Hawks ended his patrol short and headed there quickly.

Their meeting spot was somewhere near the Port and when Hawks let his mind wonder... he chose not to do that because his face was getting red.

Hawks was just thinking of Dabi... and how he seemed to actually be Hawks' type. Other than he was a Villian and Hawks was a Hero.

Hawks finally arrived at the correct warehouse after searching for 10 minutes. He was tired after that.

Hawks hit the door twice with his fist, making a loud banging noise, and let himself in.

It was dark inside. The only reason Hawks knew where he was going was the faint blue light down a nearby hallway and his feathers picking up certain things telling him where stuff was.

To be honest, the warehouse was alot cleaner than Hawks expected. Which was odd because they are usually filed to the brim with junk.

This one was different though.

Almost as if someone cleaned it...

Whatever Hawks had a job to do.

"Yo Dabi?" Hawks called, mainly towards the blue light.

The blue light flickered and went out. Hawks was now in total and complete darkness.

"Well this isn't the most creepy and terrifying horror movie type thing ever..." Hawks muttered to himself sarcastically.

"No need to be on guard bird. I just wanted to make sure it was you. Guess the little prank did work. Haha." A voice called from the darkness, laughing at Hawks.

Blue flames lit up the warehouse and Hawks had to cover hi eyes for a bit to adjust to the brighter lighting.

"Jeez, could at least give me a second a two..." Hawks muttered, calling his feathers back and getting the bag ready to give to Dabi, "I got what you wanted, want me to leave it here or..."

"We don't have to get straight to business... we can talk about something before that." Dabi said walking closer making fire dance in his hand. 

The only lighting in the room was the dancing fire.  

"What is there to talk about?" Hawks asked back putting down the bag nearby and crossed his arms.

"Well... It  is valentines tommorrow... Lets have some boy talk?" Dabi said chuckling at how stupid he sounded.

"Huh?" Hawks questioned, completly shocked that thats what Dabi came up with.

"Lets talk about crushes and people we like. I didn't do this when I was little so I want to see how it is. The people from the league are boring and toga is annoying" Dabi stated, giving his reasons.

"Well I haven't done this either... How do we start?" Hawks asked.

"Well Lets start off this way, do you have anyone you like?" Dabi asked, sitting down on the floor.

Hawks followed, staying weary as he didn't know if he should trust Dabi.

"Um... I guess? I'm not sure though..." Hawks said, avoiding Dabi's gaze.

Dabi smirked, he was adorable. "Well how about I put it like this? What's your sexuality?"

"Ah... I guess I'm bi? I don't know i have never dated either and I guess I just find both genders attractive sometimes?" Hawks said as if it was a question.

Dabi x Hawks OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now