2 - The Phoenix and The League of Villains

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No one's POV

Location: Hosu General Hospital

We see Tenya at the Hosu General Hospital, and after checking in, runs to where his brother is, where he finds his mother.

Tenya: Mom!

Tenya's Mom: Oh, Tenya...

Tenya: How is Tensei doing?!

Tenya opens the door to his brother's hospital room, and is shocked to see his brother's condition.

Tenya opens the door to his brother's hospital room, and is shocked to see his brother's condition

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Tenya: Brother...!

Doctor: The anesthesia's worn off, but he's still in and out. If this surgery had happened any later, there's a huge possibility that he would've died.

Tensei slowly opens his eyes and notices Tenya.

Tensei: Is that you... little brother...?

Tenya: Tensei... You're going to be fine!

Tensei: I'm sorry... But I don't think that'll be possible...

Tenya: Why?!

Tensei: I'm supposed to be someone you respect... You can look up to... but look at me... Little brother... I'm sorry... I failed you...

Tenya: Tensei...!

Tensei: She... She got me good... I don't understand... why she let me live... it doesn't match her... her background...

Tenya: Who...?! Who is she?!

Tensei: The Phoenix... of... Death...

As Tensei falls out of it, Tenya is left crying out his brother's name, upset with what has happened to him.


It's been a few days since Tenya saw his brother, and due to him being in the hero course, he picks the hero Manual. We now see the two patrolling the streets, as the pro hero speaks to Tenya.

Manual: On a normal, I'd just be waiting for client calls. Not really exciting, but things have been hectic here lately, especially after some pro hero was murdered.

Tenya: So you're using street patrol to suppress crime?

Manual: Yeah. But still, I can't believe Ingenium's little brother is interning at my agency! I'm sure you had offers from agencies that are much bigger than mine.

Tenya: The Phoenix of Death... I only heard it from Tensei when he was falling out of it, but I researched her... She's managed to destroy several cities, and take the lives of many good heroes. She's managed to avoid capture for all of her deplorable crimes. I know that I might not find her here, but still...

Tenya then stops, and looks around.

Tenya: I have to track her down! Because... I can't forgive her for what's she done!

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