3 - The Phoenix vs U.A High Students

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No one's POV

We see Y/n standing on top of a giant building, waiting for the right time to strike. As this happens, Tomura appears behind her.

Tomura: Hosu city looks nicer than I expected.

Y/n: Take it in while it's still here. Because by the time I'm done with the "Heroes" here, there won't be anything left.

Kurogiri: You have a clear goal, and your dedication is admirable.

Y/n: Save the flattery for later. I still don't fully trust you guys, so don't think of me as a close friend.

Tomura: I get the feeling you like picking on me.

Y/n: Nah, it's just coincidence. Let me tell you one thing. A long time ago, heroes lost the ideals they use to hold once All Might came into the picture. The way they should function. It's now just like anything else. A position. A job that needs to be filled. So... I'll be taking care of all this now.

Y/n then draws her sword and jumps down, leaving Tomura and Kurogiri alone.

Tomura: She talks all high and mighty, but she's wasting her time focusing on a small stage.

Kurogiri: You shouldn't spur her unique methods. With many cities nearby the ones she's struck, not only have crime rates fallen to a high low, but some pros even retired and found new occupations, some even turning themselves in for the crimes that they themselves committed, fearing the young girl will come for if they don't. To put it simply, what she does actually brings change.

Tomura: Oh, isn't that just wonderful! Heroes are working harder, and some even quit, because of all of that destruction! I guess you could say The Phoenix of Death not only burns heroes, but her flames are like an actual phoenix, as she rebirths the current ones! This is getting boring. It won't work. We just can't agree on a basic level, and she just pisses me off. Kurogiri; bring out the Nomus.

As Kurogiri brings otu three Nomu, and Tomura starts talking about crushing Y/n's honor and pride, a shadowy figure holding a black umbrella is seen within the shadows.

???: Now that's something she'll wanna know. But I think I'll wait until she's done for today. I mean, she has to focus on her work, not this. Plus, if things do go crazy, there's no doubt in my mind she'll realize it immediately.


We now see Y/n in an alley-way, holding onto the Pro Hero Native with her flames holding his body. As she gets ready to kill him, he notices the explosions.

Y/n: So, Tomura... You're trying to get me killed aren't ya'? Got to admit, you've got some huge balls to do this. But for now...

Y/n then draws her blade and points it at Native's neck.

Y/n: Any final words? Say them now. But before that...

Y/n then notices a person in armor similar to Ingenium running up to him and going for a kick, but Y/n quickly summons a second sword, and knocks him back, knocking off the helmet.

Y/n: Ingenium... No, you're a kid. Who the hell are you? *sigh* Look, it doesn't matter. Just get out of here while you have the chance. This ain't a place for kids.

Armored Kid: You're carrying a sword, and you radiate a powerful fire. You must be the Phoenix of Death, aren't you? It's you, right? I found you... I didn't think that I'd find you so soon. I am-

Y/n then points her second sword at the kid's face, stopping him.

Y/n: I can tell your motive. You want revenge on me, don't you? If that's so, pick your next words carefully.... As they very well might be your last... You may not know it, but I will kill a kid if I have to. So tell me... Who. Are. You?

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