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When Jax arrived at the reservation the tribe men that had been to track up the river for Naru had returned and informed the tribe and the sons that, Naru and Fala were defiantly on the tail of at least four men, but there had been no tracks of a child. Charlie had convinced Jax and the Sons to stay on the reservation and wait a day for any signs of Naru coming back, so she could tell them who she was tracking.  Jax had informed the other charters of SAMCRO to watch at the docks for any boat that could have his son on it, but over the past few days, all came back telling him they had been no signs of Abel. Jax was giving up hope of ever finding his baby.

"Come on brother let's get you back to the clubhouse," Opie said as he lifted Jax from the steps of Charlie horse's cabin.

" There's nothing we can do here." 

The sons returned to the clubhouse, where they would track maps and talk to different state police to check if Abel had been spotted, Abel was now on everybody's radar, and still nothing. Opie thinks that's why Jax has been sitting at the bar of the clubhouse getting wasted. He thinks his son, his baby is dead.

 He thinks his son, his baby is dead

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Naru and Fala return to the wolf den and find Abel still there waiting. "Fala" he yelps as he throws his arms around the wolf, Fala licks the boy's face as he giggles. Abel glances at Naru who is at the entrance of the den, her hand is on her shoulder trying to stem the bleeding. 

"RU, have you got a booboo," he asks as he gently strokes her face.  

"I'm ok Abel, come now I want you to meet another friend of mine and she can take us to your Daddy." Abel's face lights up as he holds her hand and comes out of the den.

"Are you ok, they didn't hurt you did they," she asks while scanning the boy for injuries.

"No, I'm tired," he answers.

"That's alright you can sleep on Selu," Naru tells him as she lets out a whistle. They wait a minute before she hears rustling and Selu appears hooves scrapping at the ground and head nodding.

"Hi baby girl, I knew you wouldn't be far behind," Naru tells the horse as she kisses her and rubs her nose. "This is my friend Selu, and she going to carry you to your daddy."

"I like your friends Ru," Abel replies with a giggle.  

Nura puts Abel on Selu and walks with Fala, after a while Naru stops and treats her wounds with native medicine made from plants around the forest, she arrows a couple of rabbits and collects water from a stream, as they walk she teaches Abel all about the forest and some of her native ways. After a few nights of camping the pain in Naru's shoulder is getting worse. she knows that infection is setting in and native medicine will soon stop working. She can no longer walk with Fala she is too weak and her temperature keeps spiking. 

"Fala, come." the dark wolf sits beside Naru, who is now shaking and hot to the touch, she can hear the blood rushing in her ears and her eyes keep failing her. She holds Abel on her knee as she sits under a tree, He has just eaten salmon for breakfast and he is relaxed. 

FLOWER BETWEEN TWO STREAMS. (Jax Teller)➳➳Where stories live. Discover now