Entry #1 - January 1, 2023

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Dear Diary, 

It's the new year! One of the things I promised myself to do, is to keep a diary or logs as I would like to call it. I'm new to this and hopefully, I'm doing it right. For starters I'm 25 years old, my work delves on Information Technology, a tech savvy as some would call it. Why am I writing this? I have no idea, I just saw a few diary entries and I figured, why not. It's a little bit embarrassing writing a diary especially a guy in his mid-20s. Well I'll just have to make sure I don't get caught by others.

For starters! My new year's resolution:
- Keep a Diary (Logs)
- Stop with over hoarding stuffs
- Learn a new skill every month! (I've recently started going to the gym)
- Develop an app that would make me millions! (yes, I would like to retire soon and enjoy life)
- Fix my front door
- Watch news more frequently
- Build my own mini hydroponics farm! (Always wanted one)

Honestly, it's my first time to create a new year's resolution list, I hope that's good enough for now. I'll update it as needed lol.

I don't know what I should add in a diary... Ah I saw in the news earlier today that there's a new virus going around today. To be honest Covid 19 wasn't that bad, as a work from home programmer, its quite the life. But anyway, just in case I should do my grocery tomorrow.

Grocery List!
- Toothbrush & Toothpaste (Must)
- Pork, and Beef (Must)
- Canned tuna (Must)
- Soap & Shampoo (Must)
- Knife sharpener (Want)
- Seedlings (MUST)
- Water jugs (Want)
- Face Masks (Want)

Should I even add my grocery list in a diary? Well, it's also my logs then I guess it's fine.

Finally, one thing I don't understand is the ending remarks of people when they're finishing their diary entry. But for comedic purposes, I'll just abbreviate my name for it lol.

Anyway let's do this right!

Peace out!


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