Entry #3 - January 3, 2023

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Dear Diary, 

Met my neighbor today! She was really pretty, and smart. I learned that she's also a fellow programmer and that she's working under a financial institution. Her name is Natalie, she showed me her room, and her computer set up definitely gave gamer vibes, it's pretty decked out.

For the virus, it looks like something is definitely not right, my friends have been telling me to buy supplies, and such. One of my friends is also being a little paranoid about it being a zombie apocalypse, or the rising of the dead. Of course, some of my friends aren't believing him, I mean who would? But being complacent won't let you see the bigger picture. I somehow believe him.

I'm taking Nat to buy supplies tomorrow, and maybe I should max out my credit card (If the end doesn't come anyway, I can always just pay it little by little). Should I tell her about the news, will she laugh it off or will she think I'm a weirdo.

Anyway if a zombie apocalypse does happen, it's pretty fucked up if you ask me, but I've watched enough zombie movies to know what to do, and how I can sufficiently prepare for it.

Temporary plan:
1. Continue working the hydroponics farm, I already bought the pipes, and pumps needed. However, I'll have to ensure there's enough power to keep it running. From what I have researched there are certain life cycles of a plant where the water doesn't have to be running.
2. Buy walkie talkies, I've done my research and walkies doesn't seem that expensive. Although I should buy a bundle if they have it (6 minimum of walkies).
3. Buy a weapon, I'll have to decide first on what kind. I have been at the shooting range before, and I'm pretty confident I can handle, a handgun. A shotgun, or a rifle would be nice (I'll have to learn how to clean the gun, manufacture the ammo, and create make shift suppressors). A melee weapon is a must have, for now I have my knife, but perhaps, I should have a crossbow, and a bow as a backup.
4. File my remaining vacation leaves and prepare. I should reinforce my door while nothing big is happening just yet. For the materials, I can ask permission to bring those up to my unit.
5. Research where I can buy solar panels, and batteries.
6. Know my building, emergency exits, and floor layout. If possible, maybe I can ask the engineers of the building of the generator model, and location (so I can do more research on it). Another farfetched idea is the rooftop access. If I can access it, I can make my own greenhouse.
7. Move my car to a different location. It's going to be my bug out vehicle in case everything goes to shit.

It seems like this is a bit overkill, and I hope I'm worried for nothing. But I'd rather be prepared than not.


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