Entry #4 - January 4, 2023

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Dear Diary,

It seems like everyone is taking the virus lightly, maybe the recent pandemic gave them a sense of comfort. That they can ride through it like they did before. However, a few of my friends are alarmed with the news that's being suppressed by the media right now.

We have our own discord group and there we see recorded videos where people are getting bitten by other people as well. It's almost as if they are rabid animals. Regardless if this is the real deal or not, it is my duty to be prepared if there is a zombie apocalypse happening.

I have already started the hydroponics farm, I have 4 segments in my farm, and 2 stagnant water farms. Each segment consists of 4 rows, and 5 plants each row. So that brings me to a total of 80 plants each harvest. For the crop that I will be using, I have already started planting my lettuce, and spinach. I also have seedlings for strawberries, bell peppers, and a few herbs.

This preparation won't be enough, but I can at least ensure my survivability. In order for this to work, I have dismantled my bed, and reused the wood from the frame itself to house the farm. I was also able to buy a few portable solar panels, and battery for it. However, this won't be able to keep the farm safe. In order to survive I need to prepare for the worst-case scenario.


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