The Mortician's Daughter

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"Regrets still haunt my hollow head but I promised you, I will see you again." - Black Veil Brides

Act One: The U.A. Beginnings Saga

This is the part where I warn you there are adult characters that say and do adult things. Explicit chapters will be posted separately and remained labeled as such, but this is your warning that Theodora and Nemuri are adult women that speak like adult women together.


It was a two-hour train ride from Tokyo to Musutafu and Theodora hated that she didn't have the time for it. She was fucking exhausted, but she stepped off the edge of the HPSC's roof nonetheless, dropping less than a meter before stained glass wings began to beat against a grey January sky.

She had been back in Japan for all of about three seconds before one of her newest bosses decided to be up her ass. Nezu, the U.A. Principal, had encouraged Theodora to settle in and take care of herself before worrying about her upcoming duties. Cho Shimura had not.

She touched down in her Dad's hometown two weeks before Christmas and since then, Siren had been summoned to Tokyo and the HPSC's headquarters no less than six times to 'make sure everyone was on the same page'.  Last night, the Mythical Hero had been halfway through her first overnight patrol since the move when Madam President decided she'd be needed in the Japanese capital immediately after.

Crusty old bitch.

Theo wasn't sure if it was the lack of sleep that had left her bitter and testy or the fact that Cho Shimura didn't give a damn about the Hero's other responsibilities. She beat her wings faster and paid little attention to the passing scenery below. Siren didn't make a habit of being late, and she wasn't about to start today. Theo had less than an hour until she was expected to be at U.A., wide awake and bushy-tailed and ready to meet the rest of the staff despite a lack of sleep or food.

The thought pissed her off even more. Siren wasn't even supposed to be on regular patrol duties but President Shimura swore that that defeated the purpose of her partnership with the Flame Hero.

'The public needs to see you,' She spewed yet again today. 'They need to know they can rely on you, more so than your students do, and until you start teaching, there's no reason that you can't patrol.'

Theo continued her flight as she replayed the last sixteen or so hours over in her head despite the little good she knew it would do for her mood.

Endeavor, as frustrating as he was proving to be, was at least a fair enough boss to his own employees. He demanded excellence out of everyone at his agency, sure, but they took turns running the shifts no one really wanted and rotated who had the less than glamourous patrol routes, which was how he and his new partner ended up on the overnight shift together.

Joy to the fucking world.

Enji Todoroki could be a dick, which made it all the more annoying when they worked so well together intercepting some petty, underground crime group that targeted a luxury car dealer just outside the city. The Flame Hero made quick work of most of the thugs, the bulk of them having not been prepared enough for just how hard newer vehicles were to hotwire. They had been forced to flee on foot, and Endeavor didn't break a sweat bringing them all down, their Quirks nothing he couldn't handle, because even Theo could admit the asshole was damn capable.

Siren, faster than her new partner, had been left to chase down the ringleader, the one with a Quirk that turned adrenaline into a nasty, violent high and the only one that had actually managed to get a car up and running.

Of course, he had taken the lot night guard hostage.

Theo had managed to stay on the thug and talk him into stopping before he killed anyone because that was what she did best and still Endeavor criticized her. The Mythical Hero severely doubted he had any idea how hard it was to fly next to a speeding car down some back-ass country road and build up a rapport with some fucker at the same time. 

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