im scared lol

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help help heLP HELP

ok so my dad was grilling us some steak in the backyard right? so when it was time to eat my mom called everyone to the table and we sit down, waiting for the steak. but since my dad was carrying the steak on a huge plate he had trouble opening the door so my brother gets up and holds the door WIDE OPEN, and when my dad comes in we resume to what we THOUGHT was gonna be a normal family dinner. so here we all are, sitting down eating and talking when suddenly this large bug comes flying over my head. i thought it was a bee and was like "OMG A BEE IS IN THE HOUSE" but when my sister walked into the living room (where the bug flew to) she found out it was actually this giant ass wasp.

so my mom frantically looks for the fly swatter and tries to kill the sucker. unfortunately that bitchass wasp was VERY fast, i'm talking faster than fucking quicksilver, and it kept flying up really high (we have a high ceiling.. kinda) so neither she or my dad could swat it right away. my sister and i were screaming cause bugs are a huge fear of ours and we were afraid it was gonna sting one of us (also i wanna point out that my brother just took his plate and hid under the table and resumed eating during all this chaos lmfaooo) finally this bug comes down to a level where my mom could kill it so she starts swatting at it but it like comes at her (she didn't get stung) and then she starts freaking out and asks everyone if it was in her hair (it wasn't). i have NO idea where it went after that but apparently my dad saw it fly upstairs to the bedrooms l m a o.

so we continued our dinner and my brother turned the lights off (cause bugs are attracted to light ya know?) and of course we're still keeping an eye out cause no one knew where the fuck the wasp went. like i said, my dad thought it went up to the bedrooms and i was SURE it went into mine cause i left my damn light on. but i swore it hit something hard while flying at my mom and died. so my mom decided to vacuum the floor just in case it did fall and die so nobody would step on it and get stung (cause like isn't it possible to still get stung by wasps even when they're dead???)

so like for the rest of the evening we're all doing everything cautiously, making sure the wasp doesn't just spawn outta nowhere whether it's flying in the air or just lying on the floor dead (but none of us ever found it) and that night my mom told my siblings and i to sleep with the lights off (cause my brother always has these bright ass LEDs on and my sister and i both have fairy lights) and to keep our doors open just in case it happened to be in one of our rooms (which i hate cause having my door open all night freaks me tf out, lol that's what being an ahs fan does to u). my dad even kept the small lamp in our living room on so the wasp would get attracted to that and not us

right now i'm under the blankets suffocating from the heat, praying i don't die :))

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jul 08, 2023 ⏰

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