The Scar, the hat, the family

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I sat in my room, waiting for my aunt and cousin to arrive. I was on my bed, staring at a baby picture of me. My mother held my younger half brother in her arms while my father held me. My brother and I don't have the same father, but this was intentional. I have two fathers. They asked their only close female friend to be my surrogate mother, and she, along with her husband, happily agreed. Right after she had me, she got pregnant with her husband's child. My younger half brother.

His father is considered my uncle, seeing as he and both my fathers were best friends as children. Who are these mysterious people? Well, my mother is Lily Potter, making my uncle James Potter. My fathers are Remus Lupin and Sirius Black. Making my brother Harry Potter.

"Y/n?" My aunt asked me. I looked up to see her holding medical supplies to fix my cut that my father and I couldn't get. Next to her was her niece, and my cousin.

"Hey Aunt Cissy, hey Tonks." I said. My aunt Cissy, Narcissa Malfoy, is the only aunt I see. Nymphadora Tonks, my cousin, but she's more like a sister.

"Ready?" Tonks asked. I shrugged my shoulders and followed her to the bathroom. I slid my hoodie off revealing the small cuts along my back and my arms. I kept my hoodie covering my front, not wanting them to see the cut I got. "Y/n/n, we need to see." Tonks said,

Slowly I took it the rest of the way off. They both gasped seeing it, and tears brimmed in the corner of my eyes. It was deep, and started at my right shoulder, and finished at my left hip. It went across my breast. "Sweety."

"I'm fine." I said, but my hair gave me away, seeing as it changed from black, to blue.

"You know, you don't have to be ok." Aunt Cissy said.

"I know, but I don't want Dad to worry. He feels guilty enough just because I got this from him. I don't want him to know how much it affects me." I said, looking at my beautiful aunt and sister. Luckily, most people in my family are beautiful. If it wasn't for the scars, I would be.

Knock Knock Knock. I heard a slight knock on the door.

"Mother? Y/n? Tonks? Are you ok?" I steddied my voice.

"I'm ok Draco." I said. Aunt Cissys only son, Draco Malfoy. He's not like he is with most people in reality. He wants to be good, as well as Aunt Cissy. Aunt Cissy reached out to Remus, explaining she wanted to be good. I already knew Draco wanted to be good since I've known him since first year. Tonks, Dad and I've been helping them.

After about thirty minutes, I was bandaged up. Draco, Aunt Cissy, Tonks, my dads, were the only people alive who know I'm a werewolf.

Someone knocked on the door. "Am I ok to come in?" My dad asked.

"Yeah." I said. Dad walked in while Draco stood in the doorway.

"So Y/n, you know how you told me you wanted to tell Hermione our furry little secret?" Dad said.


"Well, I've talked to Dumbledore, and if you want, you can tell her when you're ready."

"Seriously?" I asked.

"Remusly." Dad said. I started laughing so hard I almost cried. I only just noticed the paper in my fathers hands. I only saw a few words. Sirius Black, escaped, Azkab...

"Dad, what is that?" I said, still looking at the paper.

He smiled and handed it to me. Sirius Black, Mass Murderer, First to escape high security wizard prison, Azkaban... the headline read.

The Ministry of Magic is warning all witches and wizards to keep a lookout, Sirius Black is to be considered armed and dangerous, having killed a doven muggles with only a single curse...

"He's out." I said, and a small letter fell out.

To my Pup

It read on the outside. Only one person in the whole world calls me pup. I tore open the letter and read it.

Pup, if you are reading this, I am glad it has gotten to you but I had to use code names so the ministry couldn't find out who you are. I'm ok. I promise. I hope you have a good year at school. There are so many questions I have, but none can be answered without the possibility of me not getting the letter, so I will just have to wait till I see you again, and I promise I will see you again if it is the last thing I do. Thank you, for staying strong. I hope you and your father, and your brother are well. I cannot wait to see you, my little wolf. Stay strong, just for a little while longer. I love you with all my soul.

Snuffels, your childhood pet.

By the time I finished it, I had a few tears streaking down my face. My hair was blue and yellow, not colors you would think would look good, but they did. "We're working on getting him home, making the ministry see sense." my father said.

"On that note, we need a favor." Tonks said, putting her hands on my shoulders.

"We think that Peter may be hiding as a pet in hogwarts. With Dumbledore and McGonagall there, not to mention Snape, no one would suspect him to be there; that is why it is the smartest place for him to hide." My father informed me.

"Why as a pet?" Draco asked.

"He's lazy. He would want someone to feed him, to carry him so he didn't have to walk. All that stuff."

"Kind of makes sense." Draco said.

"We need you to keep an eye out for any pet rats. Few people have them. Cats and owls are more popular. It shouldn't be too hard." Aunt Cissy said. Suddenly Draco stood up. Our eyes met and I knew we had the same thought.

"You don't think it could be...?"

"Maybe. You always said he hated you."

"Oh god, how did I never notice? He's missing a damn toe!" I cried.

"Who?" Dad asked, standing up a little straighter.

"Scabbers. Ron's rat. Thinking, it all adds up." I said. Aunt Cissy and Dad looked at each other.

"Draco, Y/n, why don't you two go to your room." Aunt Cissy said, looking at me. I nodded and Draco and I walked to my room, and suddenly, we were two teenage best friends.

"So, when are you going to tell Harry?" I asked.

"When you tell Nevile." He responded.

"How bout this, I'll tell Nevile, after you tell Harry."

"Deal. Also, I sent Dumbledore a letter, and Moony one, Dumbledore is sending McGonagall here with the sorting hat so I can be sorted into my real house."

As he said this, there was a knock at the door. We both walked out, to see McGonagall standing there with the sorting hat. "Hello you two." She said once she saw us.

"Hello Professor." I said, but Draco just stood there. I took his hand and he looked at me. I hugged him and whispered in his ear.

"We both know you're a true Gryffindor, you'll be ok."

"Are you ready, Mr.Malfoy?" McGonagall asked.

"Yes." He answered and he sat down on the couch and I walked so I could see him. She placed the hat on his head, and after a minute...

"GRYFFINDOR!" I smiled and so did Draco. After McGonagall took the hat off of him he jumped up and ran towards me, picking me up in a bear hug; both of us laughing.

"I told you! Now we'll be sharing a dorm!" I squealed.

"Oh god, you'll be sharing a dorm." McGonagall said.

"I'll make sure Lucius stays unaware of this." Aunt Cissy said.

"Haha." I said with an evil smile on my face.

"Oh god." Draco said and his eyes got wide.

"You know who else you'll be sharing a dorm with?" I laughed.

"Yeah." He said, now smirking as well. Neville. I'm fucked.

"They remind me of James and Sirius." Aunt Cissy said.

"They do. It's terrifying." McGonagall said. 

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