Chapter 1: Woe is me... us.

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Jessamine sat beside her sister as the car rumbled. Pugsly sat up front with Lurch, and their parents sat across from the twins. Jessamine stared out the window as they drove further into nowhere. She couldn't help but relish the trees, their leaves slowly dying in an array of color. A tragic but beautiful start to an end.

The kissing and loving sounds from her parents interrupted her peaceful mind, and Jessamine wrinkled her nose as she glanced over at them. She rolled her eyes as they started singing, and tried to drown them out with her own inner monologue. Thumps sounded and she watched as birds fell past their window. Part of her felt bad, but the other part wanted to ask Lurch to stop so she could pick them up and dissect them.

"Darling Wednesday, how long do you intend to give us the cold shoulder," Morticia said liltingly.

"Jessamine. Please remind Mother and Father that I am no longer speaking to them." Wednesday said.

"Mother, father, Wednesday is no longer-"

"I understand," Morticia cut her daughter off smoothly.

"Do not worry my little viper," Gomez said, leaning forward. "You will love Nevermore. Won't she 'Tish?"

"Of course she will," Their mother agreed. "It's the perfect school for her."

"Why?" Wednesday said sharply. "Because it was the perfect school for you? I have no interest in following in your footsteps."

"So much for not speaking to them," Jessamine muttered under her breath, and Wednesday glared at her sharply.

"I merely meant that finally, you will be among peers who understand you. Maybe you'll even make some friends." Morticia said, her words flowing smoothly.

"Friends are weaknesses. Besides, I'm already among peers who understand me. Does Jessamine mean nothing to you?"

Jessamine smiled, glancing at her sister.

"Nevermore is like no other boarding school. It's a magical place. It's where I met your mother, and we fell in love." Gomez told them before looking at Morticia with a yearning sigh. They slowly leaned in, the tension thick.

"You guys are making me nauseous," Wednesday cut in, and Jessamine nodded slightly, happy her sister had cut in before she had. "And not in the good way."

"Darling, we weren't the ones who got you both expelled," Morticia argued, her face hardening. "That boy's family was going to file attempted murder charges. How would that have looked on both of you girls' records?"

"Terrible." Jessamine butted in, and Morticia gave her an agreeing smile.

"She doesn't mean it in the legal way," Wednesday corrected her mother. "She means then everyone would know we had failed to get the job done." Jessamine nodded her agreement and their mother let out a defeated sigh.

Jessamine reached into her pockets, fiddling around until her fingers recognized the smooth surface of her larimar stone. She pressed it tightly between her thumb and forefinger, feeling the vibrations of the crystal strengthen as her magic poured into it. The family relaxed, feeling the effects of the stone. The rest of the car ride was a peaceful silent, with the exception of the loud squeaking of the gates as they opened up into the school, announcing their arrival.

Morticia finally spoke. "Well, at least it's turning into a beautiful day." Thunder boomed and rain poured. Dark clouds covered the sun, making everything gloomy. And Jessamine couldn't help but agree with her mother.

The school was older fashioned, and had a gothic taste to it, something Jessamine found herself relishing. The gargoyles stark across a grey sky made for a spectacular drawing, and she made a mental note to sketch it later. The family left Pugsly and Lurch behind, making it into the principal's office mostly dry. A woman with stark white hair and bold red lipstick sat behind a desk, while the twins sat sandwiched between their parents. A fire crackled in a fireplace carved to look like Medusa's head. While not the dreary atmosphere outside, Jessamine found the gorgon head quite tasteful.

𝒮𝒽𝒶𝒹𝑜𝓌𝑒𝒹 𝐻𝑒𝒶𝓇𝓉 | Xavier Thorpe x Jessamine AddamsWhere stories live. Discover now