Yandere Meaning (for someone that doesn't know)

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Yandere is a Japanese archetype used to define a character whose love, admiration, and devotion is so strong that it is expressed as an excessive obsession and possessiveness.
They are often seen as characters that are crazily in love with someone.

They become so attached to their love interests so that it's impossible to let go. They entrust themselves to their love interest, trusting in their love interest's kindness.
They probe the deepest recesses of their love interest's heart so as to more perfectly form their greatest self within their love interest.
Some will go so far as to behave in immoral and troubling ways.
They will not care about the negative effect that their behaviors can have to others, including their love interest, because they only care about their own feelings.

A yandere characters are never satisfied with simply feeling in love, for feelings will change with time. Instead, they intentionally chose to be in love, as, to them, love is far stronger and far more durable than any feeling.
Utilizing their reasoning skills they boost their bond with their love interest, more often than not, to an almost maniacal degree.
Unwilling to let go, they wait as long as it takes for their love interest to fall completely in love with them.

A yandere character needs no romantic beach, nor music.
Their love interest is romance itself, and the love interest's voice is music to their ears.
They don’t need a sports car or large house. Their love interest's smile takes them to the moon, and their love interest's heart is their home.

It pleases yandere characters to chose a variety of methods to cause their relationships with their love interests to excel.
These methods intertwine with, and build off of, each other, ensuring the success of their relationship, and subsequent marriage.

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