Run away

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Don't Mind the Tommyinnit dancing gif I thought it was funny I put it as my screen background on my Laptop at school when we still had them ok ok The goldric Vid on the next slide isn't mine all rights go to the rightful person ok ok

Hunters Pov

I ran, I ran as fast as I could from the coven Guards.I couldn't believe what had happened before I left the castle.I just-it can't be true right Belos wouldn't do that... Right...

Before I could even remember what I saw I tripped and feel down a small hill hurting my ankle."aw fuck that hurts a lot." I say to myself before sliding over and hiding behind and big tree with a rock covering it.

"Seems the little Rat got away keep searching he couldn't have gone far.and be careful we're Near the owl lady we don't want to alarm the bird tube demon thing."

As there foot steps get farther away I get up and at least try to walk but no luck.

"Yup somethings definitely broken..."

Before long Flapjack came out to see if I was fine which I was not as he could see.

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"I'm fine flap just hurts a little that's all I'll be fine let's just find some shel- shelter..."I say before falling and being so close to passing out.

"Oh my titan are you ok!?"I hear someone say I couldn't make out the voice though It kinda sounded like the Human but they looked more old then young.

Before I could tell who was there I passed out from exhaustion I had been running for hours it made sense that I would pass out but this was not a good time to do so.

~~~~At The owl House~~~~

"...Is he gonna be ok Eda..."
"I'm not sure kid he took quit a beat but he seems to be alright... I'm sure he'll be alright..."


Hunters Pov


"W-what... Where am I..."
I think before I see that all my injuries we're taken care of but by who.

I then start to look around and see that Flapjack isn't with me."Flapjack... Flapjack!"I yell before trying to get up but end up failing.

*Knock knock*

"Hey Hunter are you-"Before The Human could finish she gets cut off by Me yelling. "Where is he!?"I scream very worried.

"Woah Hunter Calm down he's fine he's down stairs eating some seeds."The Human Explains trying to calm Me down.

As a start to calm down I trys to stand up once again and fail... Again.

"I wouldnt start walking just yet You took a pretty hard hit- Oh no I'm gonna be late for my date with Amity"She yells racing out the room.

"Uh if you need anything just ask Eda I got to go see my sweet potato cya"She says leaving me there confused.

"Her what,her sweet potato the Titan is a potato" I think before standing up successful this time.

I then walk out the door and head down stairs to see the cat-dog like Demon sleeping on the couch.

I then walk towards the Kitchen to see the owl lady cooking something that actually smelled delicious.

"Oh hey kid good to see you up you've been out for a while"She says turning to me while stirring a pot.

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