Heavy eyes ☁️⚡(●'ω`●)

846 13 4

Anxious y/n, overthinking.

As someone with sevvy anxiety this hits close to home for me


Stepping forward with heavy steps to your apartment, snow drifting in the air gently ending you of your inability to remember your sweater. Back aching from the grueling work from today, with each forward march your body shoots up with sparks of pain and cries of tiredness. Retail fucking sucks.

 you don't know why you still work when you earn more than enough to support yourself hacking (although legal technicalities stop you from time to time) but you do have one beacon of hope, your adorable boyfriend Micah Yujin! He's visiting this week and you look forward to actually spending some physical time with him! He even brought skrunkly. 

The audible fiddling of your keys must have alerted him as before you could even unlock the door it opens, warm light contrasting against the cool winter night.

"Angel! welcome home." gesturing as if he were a butler, bringing a smile to your tired features. His smile only added to your inward joy. "Hi baby, nice to see you~" the last of your energy to match his. 

Closing and locking the door behind you in a swift motion you are eager to sit down and relax. Small pitter patters of skrunkly's paws can be heard as you head to the shower. 

It is so nice with Micah home, having someone to go home to after a rough day of people yelling at you is so nice. the gentle rattle of the water hitting the tiles coax you out of your thoughts; as you are alone the harsh thoughts about today start to flood your mind becoming your entire focus as you, replaying conversations as your stomach twisted and uneasy shocks of electricity through your nerves. stimulating your fight or flight response. 

shallowing your breathing unconsciously. you knew what was happening but you felt paralyzed. outside you simply looked spaced out but inside was a whirlwind of anxiety and rushing thoughts. with shaking fingers you slowly turn off the shower with a loud creek, although not enough to unlock you from your thoughts. 

"Angel! showering without me?" He quips with a sly smirk, before falling silent. Micah quietly watches as you exit the shower, eyes glued to the floor and a blank expression. he knew what was going on. (Unknowingly to you). after sliding on clothing you come out to find him and skrunkly on the couch with many blankets and pillows. 

"Don't think I didn't notice you on airplane mode while coming out of the shower angel." He dramatically puts his hands on his hips as if challenging you. he knew what you went through at work and he wants to make sure that your okay. even this simple gesture swirls up all of your bottled up emotion of the day and your cheeks are soon stained with your tears. 

"I'm sorry i just ha-had such a diffic-diffuclt day at work today, everyone was yellinghatmeye" your works turns to slurring then wailing, you didn't intend to it but when is the last time you actually cried? 

You could feel his expression fall and hear his shuffling towards you as he got up from his seat on the couch. Suddenly feeling his warm embrace "Shh-sh.. sh sh shh" gently rocking you back and forth on the spot between my sobs. "You don't need to apologies for anything" it was so refreshing to hear that. In retail you apologize so much.  crumbling underneath his touch, shaking. '

my cries turn to silent sobs as I lean into his warm chest, feeling his chest. "Do you want to talk about it angel?" he turns to guide you towards the couch where the blankets and skrunkly reside for your comfort. his hands glide along your back to your waist, tingling your skin as he grips your other hand.  ensuring that all of you body feels safe. your chest feels heavy and laden with burden as you reach your seat on the couch. 

"Today was just such a difficult day, My manager was so on edge and criticized me for every move i make..." you splutter, continuing to rant to your ever attentive boyfriend as he hold both of your hands. ensuring that you know he is there for you. after you finish, breathy and slightly more calmer than you once were. you embrace him, tightly ensuring that with each passing second that you appreciate him. "Thank you Micah." you assert. you need to tell him that you appreciate everything he does for you. 

he pulls a blanket over both of you, its warm and secure as you both cuddle underneath, enjoying eachothers company. as you lay atop him you hear his calm heartbeat and his gentle breathing almost as a rythmic melody. as it lulls you to sleep. 

"I love you Angel" 


idk if this was long enough or anything! but thanks for reading!!

request anything you wanna see!! 

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