Project Requiem

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Project Requiem
By Mr UnknownPerson.

Int. Abandoned Building-Night

(Song: Hiding in the sand)

“We were playing in the sand, and you found a little band.

In a dark abandoned building there were four body’s (Issei, Kirito, Subaru and Shirou) lying on the ground unconscious.

“You told me you fell in love with it, hadn’t gone as I planned.

Police officers and firemen broke the door down seeing the four men on the ground unconscious.

“When you had to bid adieu, said you’d never love anew.

The four men were on a wheel stretcher and were pushed out of the abandoned building while there way police cars and ambulances with people trying to see what was going on.

“I wondered if I could hold it and fall in love with it too, you told me to buy a pony but all I wanted was you.”


The four men were pushed to the four ambulances while people were recording them.

Int. Negotiating room 1#-Night

Do you remember your name?

I-I think I do, I think I was called, “Issei”?

That is correct, your name is Issei Hyoudou. Do you remember what happened to you and the others who were found in the same building as you were?

N-No, I do not. I don’t remember anything.

Once we found you four, we looked into our database and you and the other three were missing for months. And once we found you, you have no memory of anything.

For months? How many months?

Seven months.

S-Seven months? I was gone for that long?

Calm down, once we found you and the others you were unconscious and your body’s were “Damaged”. You had cuts and everything and one of the three had their left arm “removed”. Issei, I think you and the other three were kidnapped. You don't know how worried you made your wives.


Yes, your wives, the eight women you are with.

What are you talking about? I-I don’t remember getting married to anyone.

Int. Negotiating room 2#-Night

Negotiator 2#:

Kirito didn’t react to the negotiator, he just stared at the table.

Negotiator 2#:

Kirito just stared at the table.

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