Fleeing, Hiding, Lonely

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Yo! Hi there! Sorry it took a bit of time before this chapter was ready. I've worked on trying to show how Adorabella is feeling in each situation in this chapter. Last chapter, I didn't go into much detail about her feelings, and I tried my best to make up in that regard for this chapter. Anyway, enjoy the chapter :)

Adorabella is still cruising speeds well above the speed of sound, and is climbing higher and higher into the air. She periodically looks behind her to see if her father's still behind her. He isn't, but what is behind her is a magical trail of different shades of pink. Fearing this trail could give her away, she flies more horizontally to start scanning the area for a nearby cloud to land on, which all visible clouds are all the way back down, due to flying so quick vertically upwards. Ahead she sees a large cloud and heads straight for it. Almost immediately she's directly above it, and she swerves directly up, vertically, at a perfect 90 degree angle. This immediately stops her, and she starts calmly flapping her wings, lowering herself down onto the cloud.

Only when slowing down does Adorabella feel her heart beating, as if it's punching her chest from the inside. This is mostly from the high-speed flying. She's also out of breath, and her wings stop. She falls onto the soft cloud and then bounces up 2 times. Seeing nopony is around to judge, she rids of her urge to hold in her tears. She plants her face into the cloud and cries away.

She didn't cry earlier, because she was forced to being used to everything that was going on. Go to school, have verbal insults thrown at her by the fillies, get touched and harassed by the colts, go home, fathers beatings, mother's neglect and repeat. It was normal to her, and rarely cried about it, hiding how she feels.

But now her parents aren't here to scold her for crying, and the students at her school aren't here to mock her. No filles or colts, nobody. She is alone in the area as far as she knows. She can cry to herself, and let her lungs press all the air out. She felt as if she is free.

"What d- do I do..." Using the little strength she had, lifts her head up. Her eyes have gone pink, and more tears come out as her face is no longer planted in the cloud, and run down her cheeks. Her lungs are compressed, her eyes are swelling.

"I could go back..." Adorabella looks to below the moon, in the direction back home.

"But that means I'll live like I always have done, abused, bullied, touched and harassed..." Adorabella rolls over and looks in the opposite direction.

"I don't want to go back... the colts... they wanted to do stuff to me... the fillies... they would mock me again... my parents would scold me for escaping from home..."

"I can continue, in that direction... nopony will be around, I'll be alone... nopony will care about me, nopony will come looking for me..."

"I'll be alone... I'll be safe... I can't be hurt if I'm alone... I won't be in anypony's way, anymore..." She wipes her eyes as she struggles to get back on all 4 hooves, the emotional weight on her being so great, but she gets up. She wipes her eyes more, her vision becoming clearer in doing so. Although, the weeping hasn't gone away completely yet.

Adorabella looks at what's infront of her in the distance. Ahead to the right is a city, perked high up on some mountains. To the left on the ground that's a big distance away from the mountains are a lot of houses, surrounding a tall tower in the middle, a village. That's not what the pegasus filly is looking at, she's looking at a forest that's in front of the village.

"To my left is the south. To my right is the north. Down there is the Everfree Forest. The campsite... the campsite... a metal fence around the site, a small brick building to check in, and other ponies setting up their own camps. The campsite is ahead to my left..." Adorabella remembers Miss Blossom's description of the campsite, word for word.

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