Eight Years Later

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I'm doing a big time skip, because since finding the shack, Adorabella will of been doing the same thing everyday. I thought this would be a cool idea to show how she is this far in the future, after living the same way for so long, as well as how canon events in the main MLP timeline affected her. This will be the last chapter. I do have plans for Adorabella in the future, but I'll share a bit about that with you at the end of the chapter. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter.

(8 years later)

Adorabella is now 20 years old. She is a fully grown mare. For 8 years, she's lived a solitary life, away from other ponies, shut off from all potential dangers. For 8 years, she barely encountered anypony, and anypony she did encounter, she was quick to fly away. She'd have nightmares for days on end, even if the encounter was a split second and no words were exchanged, maybe even longer.
"AHHHHHH!" Adorabella screamed in terror as she woke up from a terrible nightmare, flapping her wings and immediately hovers above the bed, out from the cover of the blankets. But she quickly calms down when she finds herself back in the shack. But she continues hovering, on edge, feeling like something may happen, like it must happen.

"That centaur and draconequus- AHHHHH!" She screamed aloud, but fell on nopony's ears but her own. A few years ago, Adorabella had the scariest encounter. She remembers studying both of them 2 specific creatures back in school almost a decade ago. Adorabella usually doesn't sleep for any longer than an hour, so she doesn't get nightmares.

"Luckily I had my shard and speed that day and hid here... and they saw the other random ponies before me... unlike in that nightmare... had I of not had either the speed or shards, they'd have taken the magic in me too..." Adorabella murmured to herself. She shivered at that thought, because without her ability to fly away, anypony could catch her and do what they wanted to her.

Since that day, Adorabella has grown more wary of her surroundings. It has made her even more distrustful and scared of everyone than before. For her she feels as though she now must assume anypony or any creature can take her magic. Other than that incident, everything remains normal, the newer normal, that is, when compared to her fillyhood.

"So... it's still night time..." Adorabella sees from the lack of light from behind the curtains.

"I may as well and search for more food, as well as twigs and stones..." Adorabella says to herself. The necklace with the shard attached is on the table under the right-side window. As well, her mirror and manebrush is also on the table. Adorabella gently lowers herself, to the middle of the shack. Once on the floor she folds her wings back up, and walks to the table.

"I need this, definitely," Adorabella picks the necklace up with her left forehoof and puts it on, around her neck. This is what has kept her safe for so long, the necklace.

Adorabella then looks at herself in the mirror that's on the table, and then grabs her manebrush with her right forehoof and starts brushing her mane thoroughly. Adorabella finds brushing her mane easier with her right forehoof. Once she has got rid of all knots in her mane, she places the manebrush back down. She then looks at the right corner, the one at the back, opposite side to the door. There, the cloak is hanging up on the hook.

"I need this in case I encounter anypony, as always..." Adorabella takes the cloak off the hook and puts it on, putting her wings through the holes in the side of it. She now needs one more thing, her backpack, which is by the side of the bed. She goes over to it, then grabs it with her left forehoof. Every time she picks it up, it feels like lifting a heavy weight, not physically, but mentally, because it's so connected to her past.

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