The mother's death [and the death of a person]

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After mayday and zuke died. There were a video appears on the tv screen. Showing the house where the kid and the mother lived. I heard a person voice in the background talking about what had happened to the family of natura

"Something was a matter were the accident from the unknown entity. The mother of the child is dead... The mother of the child is dead... dead dead dead dead"

The difference picture of her mother and her was on the screen

The difference picture of her mother and her was on the screen

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Her mother

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Her mother... why did she killed her own mother...

A audio video of her mother was disturbing and uncomfortable. I heard screaming and distorted voices as the video end. Hearing of the music {heart of the prodigy} playing in the background of the picture of the room where the piano is. Then the music distorted and reverse. I got closer to the tv screen of the picture of her smiling, that makes me creeps me out.

Than i heard a podcast members talking about what had happened to a person who brought the copy of the game and got horribly killed by her. Someone on the podcast was talking about the game. Than it stopped, by the pictures of newspapers about the mother's death.

[Information about the kills:

Y!nu grabbed a knife out of the house that she lived in, stabbed her mother in the eyes and stabbed her chest, leading her mother to scream in horror. After that, she was ready to go to someone's house and opens the door, found a person who was looking at the tv screen and got stabbed in the back of a person.]

I feel a chills up my back hearing this from a game. Then the game went continue from the main menu again but this time. The guitar and the drums sticks was gone but blood. The vinyl disk was bloody with a sign of the child's name.

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